Tutorial by Topics: flow

This topic is about setting up and managing GPUs in TensorFlow. It assumes that the GPU version of TensorFlow has been installed (see https://www.tensorflow.org/install/ for more information on the GPU installation). You also might want to have a look to the official documentation: https://www.ten...
Building and especially training a model may be easiest done in Python so how to you load and use the trained model in Java? The model can accept any number of inputs, so change the NUM_PREDICTIONS if you want to run more predictions than one. Realize that the Java is using JNI to call into th...
It is often useful to present a first-run experience to new users of your App. This could be for any number of reasons, such as prompting them to sign in (if required for your situation), explaining how to use the App, or simply informing them of new features in an update (as Notes, Photos and Music...
This document shows how to create a cluster of TensorFlow servers, and how to distribute a computation graph across that cluster.

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