Tutorial by Topics: for

We might need to modify the attributes before record is created. My use case was encrypting password when user is created. Hooks doc is here http://docs.sequelizejs.com/en/v3/docs/hooks/#instance-hooks. It documents the way to use it with a library / function that returns a Promise. But the use ca...
MongoDB is one of the most popular NoSQL databases, thanks to the help of the MEAN stack. Interfacing with a Mongo database from an Express app is quick and easy, once you understand the kinda-wonky query syntax. We'll use Mongoose to help us out. More information can be found here: http://mon...
Format-Specifiers are used in Objective-c to implant object-values into a string. %@ //String %d //Signed 32-bit integer %D //Signed 32-bit integer %u //Unsigned 32-bit integer %U //Unsigned 32-bit integer %x //Unsigned 32-bit integer in lowercase hexadecimal format %X //Unsigned 32-bit ...
Here is a quick example to see how it is possible to add custom classes for links in TYPO3 RTE.
This example show you how to format phone numbers with a patter You will need the following library in your gradle. compile 'com.googlecode.libphonenumber:libphonenumber:7.2.2'
If you want to upgrade the Angular CLI version of your project you may run into tough-to-fix errors and bugs from simply changing the Angular CLI version number in your project. Also, because the Angular CLI hides a lot of what's going on in the build and bundles process, you can't really do much wh...
In this post I will demonstrate how to pass external data to Angular app before the app bootstraps. This external data could be configuration data, legacy data, server rendered etc.
Force.com REST API Documentation. Full list of API's is here
Genymotion is a fast third-party emulator that can be used instead of the default Android emulator. In some cases it's as good as or better than developing on actual devices!
A more versatile alternative to VLOOKUP. An Index Match packs the power of a Vlookup and Hlookup in one formula. You also do not need to know which number column/row the information is. Due to this, deleting columns/rows will not mess up the formula.
Once your project is done, you are left to wonder how will you upload those load of a 100 HTML imports on your web server and even if you do that, how much hours your site is going to take to load for a single client. In this topic, you'll see how to convert the development mess into refined single...
It's useful to have a T-SQL script for creating and configuring a new database and user for Alfresco Installation purposes. It's boring and time-consuming to jump around many pages on MSDN. I provide the script hereafter: Guidelines for preparing Alfresco Instalation to a SQLServer database,...
This documentation will help anyone who is looking for all the Conrtraints on a column of a table. The query can be modified to find the table/columns based on the constraint name.
If you're using SAS to produce reporting of some sort, you're going to find yourself needing to copy a file at some point. I've mostly used this method for copying an excel template, and then dumping data via PROC EXPORT into the new file I've created. This is a great example I've found from Chris ...
NSOpenPanel provides an API for prompting the user for a file to open. This menu is the standard UI presented by the Open (⌘O) menu item.

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