Tutorial by Topics: for

When attempting to improve the performance of a Python script, first and foremost you should be able to find the bottleneck of your script and note that no optimization can compensate for a poor choice in data structures or a flaw in your algorithm design. Identifying performance bottlenecks can ...
ParamsDetailsselectortag name you reference your component by in the htmltemplate(templateUrl)a string that represents html which will be inserted wherever the <selector> tag is. templateUrl is a path to an html file with the same behaviorpipesan array of pipes that are used by this component...
ParameterDetailboolean outline()Get if outline mode is enabled. Default is false. If enabled, the HTML output methods will consider all tags as block.Document.OutputSettings outline(boolean)Enable or disable HTML outline mode. Jsoup 1.9.2 API
EEPROM.write(address, value); //(Store variables in EEPROM in a particular address) EEPROM.read(address); //(Retrieve values from EEPROM and read data stored in EEPROM) Parameters of EEPROM.writeDetailaddressThe address where value is to be stored in EEPROMvalueMain variable to store in EE...
The following Post Formats are available for users to choose from, if the theme enables support for them. Note that while the actual post content entry won't change, the theme can use this user choice to display the post differently based on the format chosen. For example, a theme could leave off...
NewFormSet = formset_factory( SomeForm, extra=2 ) formset = NewFormSet( initial = [ {'some_field': 'Field Value', 'other_field': 'Other Field Value',} ])
Building and Compiling opencv 3.1.0-dev to get an access for non free modules can be a headache for some people especially on Windows machine. Unlike Ubuntu, setting up opencv for Windows takes some time and requires a couple pf dependencies to be installed first before building and compiling. Th...
for(init; condition; increment){ content_code(); } // general syntax for(int i = 0; i < numberRuns; ++i){ actions_with(i); } // run an action for a numberRuns times for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(array); ++i){ actions_with(array[i]); } // iteration over an array
#[link(name = "snappy")] // the foreign library to be linked to (optional) extern { ... } // list of function signatures in the foreign library
The DI Container/resolver we use internally in this library is Autofac. The testing framework is NUnit 3x. You should be able to use this library with any Xamarin.Forms framework Source and example project available here
make sure you properly add javascript file to your module do not forget to add 'web' as dependency in __openerp__.py: 'depends': ['web',....]
public static int Input.touchCount public static Touch Input.GetTouch(int index)

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