Tutorial by Topics: from

There are many situations where it is useful to return several values from a function: for example, if you want to input an item and return the price and number in stock, this functionality could be useful. There are many ways to do this in C++, and most involve the STL. However, if you wish to avoi...
On Mac and Linux, the meteor command line tool assumes that the ssh command line tool, used to make secure connections to other computers, is always present. On Windows, this tool needs to be installed. Below are listed two options for setting it up and using it.
Unlike most languages, Python supports two major versions. Since 2008 when Python 3 was released, many have made the transition, while many have not. In order to understand both, this section covers the important differences between Python 2 and Python 3. There are currently two supported vers...
From Apple: Creating a Custom View That Renders in Interface Builder Note: Keep in mind that if you'd use fancy 'custom' fonts in your XIB elements (such UILabel, UITextField etc) then the initial loading time of your XIB will be longer depending on the font chosen and system version.
There will come a time where your CakePHP application will need to query more than one database. The method for requesting Models from non-default databases is not present in the official documentation.
git clone github.com/username/repository
The ^M character stands for a carriage return in Vim (<c-m> or just <CR>). Vim displays this character when at least on line in the file uses LF line endings. In other words, when Vim consider a file to have fileformat=unix but some lines do have carriage returns (CR), the carriage r...
There is NO switch statement in python as a language design choice. There has been a PEP (PEP-3103) covering the topic that has been rejected. You can find many list of recipes on how to do your own switch statements in python, and here I'm trying to suggest the most sensible options. Here are a ...
xcodebuild [-project name.xcodeproj] -scheme schemename [[-destination destinationspecifier] ...] [-destination-timeout value] [-configuration configurationname] [-sdk [sdkfullpath | sdkname]] [action ...] [buildsetting=value ...] [-userdefault=value ...] OptionDescription-projectBuild the p...

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