Tutorial by Topics: function

CTFE is a mechanism which allows the compiler to execute functions at compile time. There is no special set of the D language necessary to use this feature - whenever a function just depends on compile time known values the D compiler might decide to interpret it during compilation. You can also ...
contrast(<reference-color>, <output-for-light-refcolor>, <output-for-dark-refcolor>, <threshold>) lighten(<reference-color>, <amount>, <method>) darken(<reference-color>, <amount>, <method>) ParameterDetailsreference-colorThe colo...
@function function-name(parameter) { /* Function body */ }
Arrow functions are a concise way of writing anonymous, lexically scoped functions in ECMAScript 2015 (ES6). x => y // Implicit return x => { return y } // Explicit return (x, y, z) => { ... } // Multiple arguments async () => { ... } // Async...
Official Documentation Google Docs editors Help QUERY Google Charts on Google Developers Query Language Reference (Version 0.7)
DENSE_RANK ( ) OVER ( [ <partition_by_clause> ] < order_by_clause > ) RANK ( ) OVER ( [ partition_by_clause ] order_by_clause ) ArgumentsDetails<partition_by_clause>Divides the result set produced by the FROM clause into partitions to which the DENSE_RANK function is appli...
This section provides an overview of what function is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within function, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for function is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related to...
A custom function in google docs is tied to a specific document (and thus can only be used in that document). It must therefore be created with that document's scrip edit (Tools -> Script Editor). Once saved, it can then be used like any other regular spreadsheet formula.
// Calling: variable.member_function(); variable_pointer->member_function(); // Definition: ret_type class_name::member_function() cv-qualifiers { body; } // Prototype: class class_name { virt-specifier ret_type member_function() cv-qualifiers virt-speci...
PowerShell modules bring extendibility to the systems administrator, DBA, and developer. Whether it’s simply as a method to share functions and scripts. Powershell Functions are to avoid repitetive codes. Refer [PS Functions][1] [1]: PowerShell Functions PowerShell Scripts are used for automating...
Aggregate functions in SQL Server run calculations on sets of values, returning a single value. AVG([ALL|DISTINCT]expression) COUNT([ALL|DISTINCT]expression) MAX([ALL|DISTINCT]expression) MIN([ALL|DISTINCT]expression) SUM([ALL|DISTINCT]expression)
Vararg Keyword: vararg is used in a method declaration to indicate that a variable number of parameters will be accepted. Spread Operator: An asterisk (*) before an array that is used in function calls to "unfold" the contents into individual parameters.

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