Tutorial by Topics: glib

Setup Before using data binding, you must enable the plugin in your build.gradle. android { .... dataBinding { enabled = true } } Note: Data binding was added to the Android Gradle plugin in version 1.5.0 Binding class names The data binding plugin generates a bind...
In order to use custom tags in JSP,we used to have TLD files,along with a Java class to define the custom tags but post JSP 2.0 specs,the same can be achieved,without the need for any Source code files,making it easy to maintain and it can also be created by someone with basic knowledge of JSP tags ...
Zxing library is well known for image processing. Zxing was based on java and .Net module is also available and it can be used in xamarin applications. click here to check official documentation. http://zxingnet.codeplex.com/ I recently used this libarry. Step1: Add ZXing.Net.Mobile component int...
In short, a DLL is a collection of small executable code, which can be called upon when needed by a program that's running. The DLL lets the executable communicate with a specific device such as a printer or may contain code to do any number of particular functions. As there are several methods of i...

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