Tutorial by Topics: higher

Scala goes to great lengths to treat methods and functions as syntactically identical. But under the hood, they are distinct concepts. A method is executable code, and has no value representation. A function is an actual object instance of type Function1 (or a similar type of another arity). It...
val (|>) : 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b val (@@) : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
Higher Order Functions are functions that take functions as parameters and/or return functions as their return values.
foreach(f, xs) map(f, xs) filter(f, xs) reduce(f, v0, xs) foldl(f, v0, xs) foldr(f, v0, xs) Functions can be accepted as parameters and can also be produced as return types. Indeed, functions can be created inside the body of other functions. These inner functions are known as closures...
Higher Order Components ("HOC" in short) is a react application design pattern that is used to enhance components with reusable code. They enable to add functionality and behaviors to existing component classes. A HOC is a pure javascript function that accepts a component as it's argument...

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