Tutorial by Topics: hive

Hive is a data warehouse tool built on top of Hadoop. It provides an SQL-like language to query data. We can run almost all the SQL queries in Hive, the only difference, is that, it runs a map-reduce job at the backend to fetch result from Hadoop Cluster. Because of this Hive sometimes take mo...
git archive [--format=<fmt>] [--list] [--prefix=<prefix>/] [<extra>] [-o <file> | --output=<file>] [--worktree-attributes] [--remote=<repo> [ --exec=<git-upload-archive>]] <tree-ish> [<path>...] ParameterDetails--format=<fmt>Format ...
import zipfile class zipfile.ZipFile(file, mode='r', compression=ZIP_STORED, allowZip64=True) If you try to open a file that is not a ZIP file, the exception zipfile.BadZipFile is raised. In Python 2.7, this was spelled zipfile.BadZipfile, and this old name is retained alongside the new o...
xcodebuild [-project name.xcodeproj] -scheme schemename [[-destination destinationspecifier] ...] [-destination-timeout value] [-configuration configurationname] [-sdk [sdkfullpath | sdkname]] [action ...] [buildsetting=value ...] [-userdefault=value ...] OptionDescription-projectBuild the p...
The Archive module Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive provides functions for storing files in ZIP archives (Compress-Archive) and extracting them (Expand-Archive). This module is available in PowerShell 5.0 and above. In earlier versions of PowerShell the Community Extensions or .NET System.IO.Compressio...
If you want to use the <includeAll> tag in your changelog and expect it to find the relative changelog through the classloader of your wildfly application server, you may hit some issue as the Virtual file system wildfly uses produces URLs that are not properly processed by the ClassLoaderReso...
If we have a Hive meta-store associated with our HDFS cluster, Sqoop can import the data into Hive by generating and executing a CREATE TABLE statement to define the data’s layout in Hive. Importing data into Hive is as simple as adding the --hive-import option to your Sqoop command line. Impo...
This documentation provides a way to connect to hive using SOLR Data Import Handler and index the data in SOLR. This is an interesting documentation because I couldn't find it over internet. The handler basically handles more than 80 million records which means a strong infrastructure with good CPU...

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