Tutorial by Topics: int

An overview of Bash's internal variables, where, how, and when to use them.
entry = tk.Entry(parent, **kwargs) entry.get() entry.insert(index, "value") entry.delete(start_index, end_index) entry.bind(event, callback) ParameterDescriptionparenttkinter widgets exist in a hieararchy. Except for the root window, all widgets have a parent. Some online tutor...
Interfaces are used to describe the needed information and the expected output of methods and classes, without providing information of the explicit implementation. Classes can implement interfaces, and interfaces can inherit from each other. If a class is implementing an interface, this means a...
Linting your ionic app before running has huge advantages. It will analyse code for potential errors and save you tremendous amount of time. What is linting and how to install the required packages? "Linting is the process of running a program that will analyse code for potential errors.&...
Blocks in CUDA operate semi-independently. There is no safe way to synchronize them all. However, it does not mean that they cannot interact with each other in any way.
Tensorflow distinguishes between saving/restoring the current values of all the variables in a graph and saving/restoring the actual graph structure. To restore the graph, you are free to use either Tensorflow's functions or just call your piece of code again, that built the graph in the first place...
db.collection.insertOne(document, options(w, wtimeout, j, serializeFuntions, forceServerObjectId, bypassDocumentValidation), callback) db.collection.insertMany([documents], options(w, wtimeout, j, serializeFuntions, forceServerObjectId, bypassDocumentValidation), callback) db.collection.find(que...
Task - main function to execute a step of your build script Depends - property that specify what the current step depends upon default - there must always be a default task that will get executed if no initial task is specified FormatTaskName - specifies how each step is displayed in the result...
These “hacks” may be used to target a specific browser/client. This may be used to work around browser rendering differences by applying styles in one of those wrappers listed above.
ConstraintLayout is a ViewGroup which allows you to position and size widgets in a flexible way. It is compatible with Android 2.3 (API level 9) and higher. It allows you to create large and complex layouts with a flat view hierarchy. It is similar to RelativeLayout in that all views are laid out a...
Smart internationalization for ASP.NET page The benefit of this approach is that you don't have to clutter controllers and other classes with code to look up values from .resx files. You simply surround text in [[[triple brackets.]]] (The delimiter is configurable.) An HttpModule looks for a tran...
Goals The primary goal of a Fluent Interface is increased readability. When used for constructing objects, the choices available to the caller can be made clearly and enforced via compile-time checks. For example, consider the following tree of options representing steps along the path to constr...
History The Symantec JIT compiler was available in the Sun Java from 1.1.5 onwards, but it had problems. The Hotspot JIT compiler was added to Sun Java in 1.2.2 as a plugin. In Java 1.3, JIT was enabled by default. (Source: When did Java get a JIT compiler?

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