Tutorial by Topics: ion

Reading Text files and performing operations on them.
This feature exists in Scala 2.10.0 and above.
The List (linked list) shines in sequential access: accessing the first element prepending to the front of the list deleting from the front of the list On the other hand, it's not ideal for random access (ie. getting nth element) and traversation in reverse order, and you might have better...
Scala goes to great lengths to treat methods and functions as syntactically identical. But under the hood, they are distinct concepts. A method is executable code, and has no value representation. A function is an actual object instance of type Function1 (or a similar type of another arity). It...
Design patterns are a good way to keep your code readable and DRY. DRY stands for don't repeat yourself. Below you could find more examples about the most important design patterns. In software engineering, a software design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring proble...
To install package simply run: install.packages("stringi") to load it: require("stringi")
A function is basically a named block of code. When you call the function name, the script block within that function runs. It is a list of PowerShell statements that has a name that you assign. When you run a function, you type the function name.It is a method of saving time when tackling repetitiv...
Serial.begin(speed) // Opens the serial port on the given baud rate Serial.begin(speed, config) Serial[1-3].begin(speed) // Arduino Mega only! When writing 1-3 it means you can choose between the numbers 1 to 3 when choosing the serial port. Serial[1-3].begin(speed, config) // Arduino Mega onl...
This extension filters data by either validating or sanitizing it. This is especially useful when the data source contains unknown (or foreign) data, like user supplied input. For example, this data may come from an HTML form. mixed filter_var ( mixed $variable [, int $filter = FILTER_DEFAULT ...
Regular Expressions (sometimes called regexs or regexps) are a textual syntax which represents the patterns which can be matched in the strings operated upon. Regular Expressions, introduced in c++11, may optionally support a return array of matched strings or another textual syntax defining how to...
insert(document or array of documents) insertOne( 'document', { writeConcern: 'document' } ) insertMany( { [ document 1 , document 2, ... ] }, { writeConcern: document, ordered: boolean } ) find(query, projection) findOne(query, projection) update(query, update) updateOne( query,...
Recursion needs a stop condition stopCondition in order to exit the recursion. The original variable must be passed on to the recursive function so it becomes stored.
The general idea behind Dependency Injection is that you design your application around loosely coupled components while adhering to the Dependency Inversion Principle. By not depending on concrete implementations, allows to design highly flexible systems. The basic idea behind dependency inje...
virtual void f(); virtual void g() = 0; // C++11 or later: virtual void h() override; void i() override; virtual void j() final; void k() final; Only non-static, non-template member functions can be virtual. If you are using C++11 or later, it is recommended to use ...

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