Tutorial by Topics: ion

Now from iOS 10.3 , there is no need to navigate application to apple store for rating/review. Apple has introduced SKStoreReviewController class in storekit framework. In which developer just need to call requestReview() class method of SKStoreReviewController class and the system handles the entir...
Pax Exam allows testing of bundles within an OSGi container (e.g. AEM, Apache Karaf). Pax Exam is usually used in conjunction with JUnit.
This topic is about serial communication using the Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) peripheral of the STM32 microcontrollers.
This topics contains aspects of using NuGet and its configurations.
Many third-party APIs require a key, allowing them to prevent abuse. If they issue you a key, it's very important that you not commit the key into a public repository, as this will allow others to steal your key.
mvc.net introduces data anotations for model validation. This can also be done in Xamarin
Tmux configurations goes in a file called .tmux.conf in home directory. ie, ~/.tmux.conf
The principle basically says, Class should depend on abstractions (e.g interface, abstract classes), not specific details (implementations). That means, You should let the caller create the dependencies instead of letting the class itself create the dependencies.
The principle states that no client should be forced to depend on methods that it doesn't use. A client should never be forced to implement an interface that it doesn't use or client shouldn't be forced to depend on methods that they don't use.
Create Database
ccapndave/elm-update-extra is a fantastic package which helps you handle more complex updating functions, and may be very useful.
This section provides an overview of what optimization is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within optimization, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for optimization is new, you may need to create initial versions of tho...
This document introduces the basics of regular expressions as used in R. For more information about R's regular expression syntax, see ?regex. For a comprehensive list of regular expression operators, see this ICU guide on regular expressions.
The configuration file contains information which Protractor uses to run your test script. Here I'll try to give a few different variations.
When compiling, the compiler will often modify the program to increase performance. This is permitted by the as-if rule, which allows any and all transformations that do not change observable behavior.

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