Tutorial by Topics: lambda

A lambda expression is a syntax for creating anonymous functions inline. More formally, from the C# Programming Guide: A lambda expression is an anonymous function that you can use to create delegates or expression tree types. By using lambda expressions, you can write local functions that can ...
Lambda expressions provide a clear and concise way of implementing a single-method interface using an expression. They allow you to reduce the amount of code you have to create and maintain. While similar to anonymous classes, they have no type information by themselves. Type inference needs to happ...
Proc.new(block) lambda { |args| code } ->(arg1, arg2) { code } object.to_proc { |single_arg| code } do |arg, (key, value)| code end Be careful about operator precedence when you have a line with multiple methods chained, like: str = "abcdefg" puts str.gsub(/./) do |mat...
[default-capture, capture-list] (argument-list) mutable throw-specification attributes -> return-type { lambda-body } // Order of lambda specifiers and attributes. [capture-list] (argument-list) { lambda-body } // Common lambda definition. [=] (argument-list) { lambda-body } // Captures all ...
AWS Lambda is a serverless setup for executing functions in the cloud. It leverages existing Amazon Web Services technologies to infinitely scale and run only when necessary in it's own isolated environment. Using Lambda, you can upload your code, configure it to run based on a variety of triggers...
Explicit parameters: { parameterName: ParameterType, otherParameterName: OtherParameterType -> anExpression() } Inferred parameters: val addition: (Int, Int) -> Int = { a, b -> a + b } Single parameter it shorthand val square: (Int) -> Int = { it*it } Si...
Deserialized JSON based object "Records" key has one or more actual events Each sub event object contains all information you need to determine what changed ParameterDetailsRecords -> [] -> s3 -> bucket -> nameThe name of the S3 bucketRecords -> [] -> s3 -> o...
The class is called ExpressionBuilder. It has three properties: private static readonly MethodInfo ContainsMethod = typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains", new[] { typeof(string) }); private static readonly MethodInfo StartsWithMethod = typeof(string).GetMethod("StartsWith", n...
Closures Lambda expressions will implicitly capture variables used and create a closure. A closure is a function along with some state context. The compiler will generate a closure whenever a lambda expression 'encloses' a value from its surrounding context. E.g. when the following is executed...
This section provides an overview of what lambda is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within lambda, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for lambda is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
Retrolambda is a library which allows to use Java 8 lambda expressions, method references and try-with-resources statements on Java 7, 6 or 5. The Gradle Retrolambda Plug-in allows to integrate Retrolambda into a Gradle based build. This allows for example to use these constructs in an Android appl...
AWS Lambda is a service that lets you run back-end code without the need to provision or manage servers. AWS Lambda takes care of scaling and high availability. The cost directly depends on how often and how long your code executes. You will find examples of how to create and deploy AWS Lambda func...
As part of the Serverless movement, AWS recently announced C# support for AWS Lambda functions. In this article, I will show you how to develop, install and call a simple C# AWS Lambda Function using Visual Studio 2015. Before you start this example, first go to the Remarks section of this documen...
Lambda developers will handle issues that requires the use of other AWS resources. This topic focuses on S3 (Simple Storage Service) which will commonly be used for storing static files and other configurations. This documentation will consider using AWS-SDK in lambda, accessing files in S3 from Lam...

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