Tutorial by Topics: lines

heroku pipelines:<install|create|promote>... A pipeline is a group of Heroku apps that share the same codebase. Apps in a pipeline are grouped into “review”, “development”, “staging”, and “production” stages representing different deployment steps in a continuous delivery workflow. ...
This meta post is similar to the python version http://stackoverflow.com/documentation/python/394/meta-documentation-guidelines#t=201607240058406359521. Please make edit suggestions, and comment on those (in lieu of proper comments), so we can flesh out/iterate on these suggestions :)
outline: outline-color outline-style outline-width | initial | inherit; outline-width: medium | thin | thick | length | initial | inherit; outline-style: none | hidden | dotted | dashed | solid | double | groove | ridge | inset | outset | initial | inherit; ParameterDetailsdotteddotted out...
This is an extension of Python's "Meta: Documentation Guidelines" for Django. These are just proposals, not recommendations. Feel free to edit anything here if you disagree or have something else to mention.
To discuss editing the R tag Docs, visit the R chat.
[time [-p]] [!] command1 [ | or |& command2 ] … A pipeline is a sequence of simple commands separated by one of the control operators | or |& (source). | connects the output of command1 to the input of command2. |& connects standard output and standard error of command1 to the...
Explain why certain things are marked unsafe in Rust, and why we might need to use this escape hatch in certain (rare) situations.
A geometric line is a straight line that extends to infinity in both directions. This distinguishes it from the segment or the ray, which end et some point, and also from the curve or polygon, which need not be straight. There are different ways how a line may be presented. Each comes with its own ...
Insert an image into an MS Word document shapes such as Rectangles and ovals. This documentation assumes you know how to insert an image into a word document, open and close a word document using OpenXML
:vglobal or :v is the opposite of :global or :g that operates on lines not matching the specified pattern (inverse).

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