Tutorial by Topics: ls

Flask supports signals using Blinker. Signal support is optional; they will only be enabled if Blinker is installed. pip install blinker http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/dev/signals/ Signals are not asynchronous. When a signal is sent, it immediately executes each of the connected functions se...
result = expression1 AndAlso expression2 result = expression1 OrElse expression2 ParameterDetailsresultRequired. Any Boolean expression. The result is the Boolean result of comparison of the two expressions.expression1Required. Any Boolean expression.expression2Required. Any Boolean express...
.htaccess redirection is a common vector for malicious hackers to exploit and infect websites. We have seen what .htaccess files are, how they are used by malicious hackers, and how to protect your website.
Usage: rails generate GENERATOR_NAME [args] [options]. Use rails generate to list available generators. Alias: rails g. ParameterDetails-h/--helpGet help on any generator command-p/--pretendPretend Mode: Run generator but will not create or change any filesfield:type'field-name' is the name of...
Class/MethodThe WhyUserProfile() ClassThe UserProfile class extends the Django default User Model.create_profile() methodThe create_profile() method is executed, whenever a Django User model post_save signal is released. Now, the details. Django signals is a way to inform your app of certain ta...
Setup Download and install Atmel Studio 7 from here. Purchase a debugger. You can get by with a ISP programmer, but if you want debugging capabilities, which is one of the big advantages of using Atmel Studio, you will want a debugger. I recommend the Atmel ICE, as it provides debugging ca...
JSON_VALUE(expression , path) -- extract a scalar value from a JSON string. JSON_QUERY( expression [ , path ] ) -- Extracts an object or an array from a JSON string. OPENJSON( jsonExpression [ , path ] ) -- table-value function that parses JSON text and returns objects and properties in JSON as ...
PLSQL procedure is a group of SQL statements stored on the server for reuse. It increases the performance because the SQL statements do not have to be recompiled every time it is executed. Stored procedures are useful when same code is required by multiple applications. Having stored procedures eli...
from django.contrib.postgres.fields import *RangeField IntegerRangeField(**options) BigIntegerRangeField(**options) FloatRangeField(**options) DateTimeRangeField(**options) DateRangeField(**options)
bool: true or false byte: None, integer literal implicitly converted from int sbyte: None, integer literal implicitly converted from int char: Wrap the value with single-quotes decimal: M or m double: D, d, or a real number float: F or f int: None, default for integral values within the ran...
FooModel.objects.filter(field_name__key_name='value to query')
In contrast to Java's switch, the when statement has no fall-through behavior. This means, that if a branch is matched, the control flow returns after its execution and no break statement is required. If you want to combine the bahaviors for multiple arguments, you can write multiple arguments sep...

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