Tutorial by Topics: mod

The Sequential model is a linear stack of layers.
The Rules module is an engine which allows site administrators to automate actions to be conditionally executed, either programmatically or in response to predetermined events. Rules can react to Rules Events occurring on a Drupal site, such as a user logging in. And it can perform customized follo...
Django ModelForm enables the creation of a Form class from a Django model.
ActiveModelSerializers, or AMS for short, bring 'convention over configuration' to your JSON generation. ActiveModelSerializers work through two components: serializers and adapters. Serializers describe which attributes and relationships should be serialized. Adapters describe how attributes and...
We might need to modify the attributes before record is created. My use case was encrypting password when user is created. Hooks doc is here http://docs.sequelizejs.com/en/v3/docs/hooks/#instance-hooks. It documents the way to use it with a library / function that returns a Promise. But the use ca...
The texreg package helps to export a model (or several models) in a neat paper-ready way. The result may be exported as HTML or .doc (MS Office Word). Links CRAN page
Quick overview of Rails engines Engines are small Rails applications that can be used to add functionalities to the application hosting them. The class defining a Ruby on Rails application is Rails::Application which actually inherits a lot of its behavior from Rails::Engine, the class defining an ...
This topic is intended to demonstrate various patterns and practices available to modify base data views in Acumatica.
Being responsive is a need for every app. Users want to have apps which have their content ready when they open it, so developers should use Background Modes to make their apps more user friendly.
sub and gsub are used to edit strings using patterns. See Pattern Matching and Replacement for more on related functions and Regular Expressions for how to build a pattern.
ExtJS advocates the use of firing of and listening for events between classes. By firing events and listening for fired events, classes require no 'dirty' knowledge of each others' class structure and prevent coupling code together. Additionally, events make it easy to listen to multiple instances o...
Often times we have to create some components which perform some actions/operations on data and we require that in the parent component. Most of the times vuex would be a better solution, but in cases where the child component's behavior has nothing to do with application state, for instance: A rang...
In this topic you will learn how to modify field attributes inherited from the PXStringList or PXIntList attributes. The demonstrated approach will make sure to not break functionality of the base Acumatica ERP product and require minimal maintenance, if any, while upgrading your customizations to a...
pyautogui is a module used to control mouse and keyboard. This module is basically used to automate mouse click and keyboard press tasks. For the mouse, the coordinates of the screen (0,0) start from the top-left corner. If you are out of control, then quickly move the mouse cursor to top-left, it w...
The Views module is a reporting engine which allows site builders to create all sorts of lists. These lists can be formatted as either a block or a page. To create (design) a view, it is required to enter the desired specifications, such as Fields, Relationships, Filters, Sort criteria, Displays, ...

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