Tutorial by Topics: no

Git's reflog records the position of HEAD (the ref for the current state of the repository) every time that it is changed. Generally, every operation that might be destructive involves moving the HEAD pointer (since if anything is changed, including in the past, the tip commit's hash will change)...
An assumption which pops up regularly is that when dealing with English text only, it’s unlikely to encounter characters outside the ASCII character set. To avoid problems with handling Unicode correctly, people are tempted to do things like stripping non-ASCII characters, or removing any accents ...
Theano is a python library, which handles defining and evaluating symbolic expressions over tensor variables. Has various application, but most popular is deep learning.
JTOpen links https://gist.github.com/phpdave/52d6d8f135181a042901b2918141f82a#file-zdocumentation-md
There are some means to chain commands together. Simple ones like just a ; or more complex ones like logical chains which run depending on some conditions. The third one is piping commands, which effectively hands over the output data to the next command in the chain.
Excel VBA comes with a comprehensive object model which contains classes and objects that you can use to manipulate any part of the running Excel application. One of the most common objects you'll use is the Application object. This is a top-level catchall that represents the current running insta...
nopCommerce is an open source eCommerce solution based on ASP.NET MVC 4.0 and MS SQL Server 2008(or higher), with comprehensive features that are easy to use for new online businesses. It has a pluggable architecture that allows additional functionality and presentation elements to be dynamically...
ClauseParameterprivateComma-separated list of private variablesfirstprivateLike private, but initialized to the value of the variable before entering the looplastprivateLike private, but the variable will get the value corresponding to the last iteration of the loop upon exitreductionreduction oper...
// Calling: variable.member_function(); variable_pointer->member_function(); // Definition: ret_type class_name::member_function() cv-qualifiers { body; } // Prototype: class class_name { virt-specifier ret_type member_function() cv-qualifiers virt-speci...
These are two sample programs that work together. One is a simple server, the other a simple client. Start the server in one window: python tserver.py Edit the server address in the client source file if desired. Then run python tclient.py The client connects to the server, then asks for i...
Node.js uses streams to handle incoming data. Quoting from the docs, A stream is an abstract interface for working with streaming data in Node.js. The stream module provides a base API that makes it easy to build objects that implement the stream interface. To handle in request body of a PO...
AnnotationDetails@OneToOneSpecifies a one to one relationship with a corresponding object.@OneToManySpecifies a single object that maps to many objects.@ManyToOneSpecifies a collection of objects that map to a single object.@EntitySpecifies an object that maps to a database table.@TableSpecifies wh...
The SenderID that is present in the initialization example is a gcm sender id that is given to you by google. It should also be present when you install the plugin ionic plugin add phonegap-plugin-push --variable SENDER_ID="XXXXXXX" If you wish to add additional data to your push n...

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