Tutorial by Topics: npoi

Function pointers are pointers that point to functions instead of data types. They can be used to allow variability in the function that is to be called, at run-time. returnType (*name)(parameters) typedef returnType (*name)(parameters) typedef returnType Name(parameters); Name *n...
Data validation allows user to create a drop-down list and restrict values in the cell to these entries. Due to limitation Excel can't bind more than 256 characters programmatically. To bind more than 256 characters one can follow explained approach.
Creating the data validation constraint can be tricky and time taking in NPOI. I have shared some of my workable approach. These approach will give good idea to customize your own constraint types.
It is .NET version of POI Java project. it allows to read/write xls, doc, ppt files without Microsoft Office installed. Details about documentation is available here:https://github.com/tonyqus/npoi
Cross-browser testing is an essential step in web development, ensuring that websites provide a consistent user experience across the myriad of web browsers that exist today. It addresses the challenge of browser compatibility—how a site looks and behaves—regarding different browser engines, version...

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