Tutorial by Topics: one

Components allow reusable controls/widgets represented by their own view (template) and viewmodel. They were added in Knockout 3.2. Inspired by WebComponents, Knockout allows Components to be defined as Custom Elements, allowing the use of more self-explanatory markup.
Be sure to add the following header to the post request. Otherwise the request will fail: Content-Type: application/json
Case 1: React.createClass({ }) Case 2: class MyComponent extends React.Component { } React.createClass was deprecated in v15.5 and expected to be removed in v16. There is a drop-in replacement package for those that still require it. Examples using it should be updated.
Use Anemone::Core.new(url, options) to initialize the crawler Use on_every_page block to run code on every page visited Use .run method to start the crawl. No code beforehand will actually start any GET calls. ParameterDetailsurlURL (including protocol to be crawled)optionsoptional hash, s...
AnnotationPurpose@TableGeneratorSpecifies generator name and table name where generator can be found@GeneratedValueSpecifies generation strategy and refers to name of generator@OneToOneSpecifies one to one relationship between employee and desk, here Employee is owner of relationmappedByThis elemen...
AnnotationPurpose@TableGeneratorSpecifies generator name and table name where generator can be found@GeneratedValueSpecifies generation strategy and refers to name of generator@ManyToOneSpecifies many to one relationship between Employee and Department@OneToMany(mappedBy="department")crea...
ColumnColumn@TableGeneratorUses table generator strategy for automatic id creation@GeneratedValueSpecifies that the value applied to fields is a generated value@IdAnnotates the field as identifier@ManyToOneSpecifies Many to One relationship between Employee and Department. This annotation is marked...
There are a total of 3 cases of communication between React components: Case 1: Parent to Child communication Case 2: Child to Parent communication Case 3: Not-related components (any component to any component) communication
Stateless functional components in React are pure functions of the passed in props. These components do not rely on state and discard the use of component lifecycle methods. You may, however, still define propTypes and defaultPropts. See https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/reusable-components....
Ionic has a lot of great ready declared CSS components to make your life easier while coding your next hybrid mobile application. These components vary from a basic grid system to styling your forms. These components are in your use if you choose to install Ionic with the pre-set CSS stylesheets. ...
This section provides an overview of what phonegap-build is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within phonegap-build, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for phonegap-build is new, you may need to create initial versions o...
dropzone.js is a lightweight script that allows you to provide users with a simple interface to upload files to your server. Note that dropzone.js requires you to have set up server side processing, as mentioned on their official website. The files are uploaded via AJAX. It does not require any e...
<element [variableName]="value"></element> //Declaring input to child when using @Input() method. <element (childOutput)="parentFunction($event)"></element> //Declaring output from child when using @Output() method. @Output() pageNumberClicked = new Ev...
When you use a web component in your Angular 2 template, angular will try to find a component with a selector matching the custom tag of the web component - which it of course can't and will throw an error. The solution is to import a "custom elements schema" in the module that holds th...
<component> is a reserved component element, don't be confused with components instance. v-bind is a directive. Directives are prefixed with v- to indicate that they are special attributes provided by Vue.
When you need to handle time information for a worldwide user base in MySQL, use the TIMESTAMP data type in your tables. For each user, store a user-preference timezone column. VARCHAR(64) is a good data type for that column. When a user registers to use your system, ask for the time zone value. ...

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