Tutorial by Topics: operations

When using boolean coercion, the following values are considered "falsy": false 0 "" (empty string) null undefined NaN (not a number, e.g. 0/0) document.all¹ (browser context) Everything else is considered "truthy". ¹ willful violation of the ECMAScript ...
A set contains only one copy of each distinct element. Unlike some other programming languages, base R does not have a dedicated data type for sets. Instead, R treats a vector like a set by taking only its distinct elements. This applies to the set operators, setdiff, intersect, union, setequal an...
NameDescriptionASCII()Return numeric value of left-most characterBIN()Return a string containing binary representation of a numberBIT_LENGTH()Return length of argument in bitsCHAR()Return the character for each integer passedCHAR_LENGTH()Return number of characters in argumentCHARACTER_LENGTH()Syno...
A set is a collection of items which can be anything. Whatever operator we need to work on these sets are in short the set operators and the operation is also known as set operation. Basic set operation includes Union, Intersection as well as addition, subtraction, etc. Group-Object Gr...
Reading Text files and performing operations on them.
C = union(A,B); C = intersect(A,B); C = setdiff(A,B); a = ismember(A,x); ParameterDetailsA,Bsets, possibly matrices or vectorsxpossible element of a set
FlagMeaning"r"Read-only, starts at beginning of file (default mode)."r+"Read-write, starts at beginning of file."w"Write-only, truncates existing file to zero length or creates a new file for writing."w+"Read-write, truncates existing file to zero length or...
namespaces: using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using MongoDB.Bson; using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Attributes; using MongoDB.Driver; using IAggregateFluentExtensions = MongoDB.Driver.IAggregateFluentExtensions; using IMongoCollectionExtensions = MongoDB.Driver.IMongoC...
There are some means to chain commands together. Simple ones like just a ; or more complex ones like logical chains which run depending on some conditions. The third one is piping commands, which effectively hands over the output data to the next command in the chain.
Floating-point numbers are numbers that have fractional parts (usually expressed with a decimal point). In Java, there is two primitive types for floating-point numbers which are float (uses 4 bytes), and double (uses 8 bytes). This documentation page is for detailing with examples operations that c...
Constructing a list of write operations to perform in bulk for a single collection.
int atomic_add ( volatile __global int *p , int val) unsigned int atomic_add ( volatile __global unsigned int *p , unsigned int val) int atomic_add ( volatile __local int *p , int val) unsigned int atomic_add ( volatile __local unsigned int *p ,unsigned int val) ...

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