Tutorial by Topics: options

:set [no](option|shortcut) :set (option|shortcut)=value :set (option|shortcut)(?|&) do not use : in the vimrc file See vimcast 1 video See vimcast 1 transcript
Option Strict { On | Off } Option Strict On is a recommended good practice with Visual Basic .Net. It helps you as the developer to produce cleaner, more stable, more bug-free, more maintainable code. In some cases it may also help you write programs with better performance, avoiding thing...
Use this plunker to play with examples.
$form = $this->createForm(HouseholdType::class, $household, $formOptions); ParameterDefinitionHouseholdType::classcustom form class for the Household entity$householdan instance of the Household entity (usually created by $household = new Household();)$formOptionsan array of user-defined ...
acf_add_options_page( $args ); acf_add_options_sub_page( $page ); ParameterDetails$args(mixed) A string for the page title, or an array of settings. If left blank, default settings will be used.$page(mixed) A string for the page title, or an array of settings. If left blank, default setting...
-bundle.zip //--> bundle file which will be uploaded |--.ebextensions //--> the file name must be exactly ".ebextensions" |--jvm.config //--> config file that will set the JVM options on deployment (upload) |--java_app.jar //Here, I am using Spring Boot ...
Options are pieces of data that WordPress uses to store various preferences and configuration settings. The Options API is a simple and standardized way of storing data in the database. The API makes it easy to create, access, update, and delete options. // Create new option within WordPress...
-a - (BSD sed) Create / Truncate all files written to before processing -E | -r - Use Extended Regular Expressions -i | -I - Refer to the topic on In-Place Editing -l - (BSD sed) Use line-buffered output -l length - (GNU sed) Specify the length for l command line-wrapping -s - (GNU sed) Trea...

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