Tutorial by Topics: package

Note that we did not discuss how to use & develop your local packages. There are several ways, I suggest to use the PACKAGE_DIRS environment variable described by David Weldon on his website.
find_package(pkgname [version] [EXACT] [QUIET] [REQUIRED]) include(FindPkgConfig) pkg_search_module(prefix [REQUIRED] [QUIET] pkgname [otherpkg...]) pkg_check_modules(prefix [REQUIRED] [QUIET] pkgname [otherpkg...]) ParameterDetailsversion (optional)Minimum version of the package defined ...
Tips: Remember to always check the /usr/ports/UPDATING file before upgrading. There might be some significant changes in programs you use or in their configuration which will break your current setup.
with Package_Name_To_Include; package New_Package_Name renames Package_To_Rename; use Package_Name; package Parent_Name.Child_Name is Package provides: Code encapsulation Separate compilation Hide procedures, functions, operators on private types Similarities or analogous in oth...
Packages build on base R. This document explains how to inspect installed packages and their functionality. Related Docs: Installing packages The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) is the primary package repository.
Packages in Scala manage namespaces in large programs. For example, the name connection can occur in the packages com.sql and org.http. You can use the fully qualified com.sql.connection and org.http.connection, respectively, in order to access each of these packages.
package in java is used to group class and interfaces. This helps developer to avoid conflict when there are huge numbers of classes. If we use this package the classes we can create a class/interface with same name in different packages. By using packages we can import the piece of again in anothe...
This tutorial shows how to create a package in ROS. Packages sit inside workspaces, in the src directory. Each package directory must have a CMakeLists.txt and a package.xml files.
Atom's packages allow you to customize the editor to your needs. This topic will explains how packages and themes are created, published, and installed.
PowerShell Package Management allows you to find, install, update and uninstall PowerShell Modules and other packages. PowerShellGallery.com is the default source for PowerShell modules. You can also browse the site for available packages, command and preview the code.
Sometimes we need to share some component between some apps and publishing it in npm is one of the best ways of doing this. There are some tricks that we need to know to be able to use a normal component as npm package without changing the structure as inlining external styles. You can see a minim...
Package Ada.Text_IO is used for putting text or getting text from files or console.
In this topic I will overview spring boot package scanning. You can find some basic information in spring boot docs in the following link (using-boot-structuring-your-code) but I will try to provide more detailed information. Spring boot, and spring in general, provide a feature to automatically s...
Yarn is a package manager for Node.js, similar to npm. While sharing a lot of common ground, there are some key differences between Yarn and npm.
This topic show how to create a debian package for software deployment.
In order to use the pipe in a user-created package, it must be listed in the NAMESPACE like any other function you choose to import.
ChemPy is a python package designed mainly to solve and address problems in physical, analytical and inorganic Chemistry. It is a free, open-source Python toolkit for chemistry, chemical engineering, and materials science applications.
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