Tutorial by Topics: table

This section provides an overview of what uitableview is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within uitableview, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for uitableview is new, you may need to create initial versions of those r...
Vehicle, TransportationVehicle and PassengerVehicle are abstract classes and they will not have separate table in database. Truck, Car and Bike are concrete classes so they will be mapped to corresponding tables. These tables should include all the fields for classes annotated with @MappedSu...
AnnotationPurpose@InheritanceSpecifies type of inheritance strategy used@DiscriminatorColumnSpecifies a column in database which will be used to identify different entities based on certain ID assigned to each entity@MappedSuperClassmapped super classes are not persistent and only used to hold stat...
Value and variable names should be in lower camel case Constant names should be in upper camel case. That is, if the member is final, immutable and it belongs to a package object or an object, it may be considered a constant Method, Value and variable names should be in lower camel case ...
Content order and complex tables Beware that the table-reflow style changes the visual order of content. Make sure that you only apply this style to well-formed and simple data tables (and in particular, don’t use this for layout tables) with appropriate table header cells for each row and colum...
var oTable = new selectAllVisibleRowsTable({... //alternativelty can use new sap.ui.table.Table sap.ui.table.Table.extend('selectAllVisibleRowsTable', { ..... // here table name is in quotes Official documentation for sapui5 table that provides only API specification. https://sapui5.han...
Object References: UITableView table; TableSource tableSource; List tableItems; UISearchBar searchBar; To fork the complete sample: https://github.com/adiiaditya/Xamarin.iOS-Samples/tree/master/SearchBarWithTableView
Object References: UITableView table; TableSource tableSource; bool useRefreshControl = false; UIRefreshControl RefreshControl; List tableItems; TableSource and TableItem are user-defined classes For the complete sample you can fork: https://github.com/adiiaditya/Xamarin.iOS-Samples/tree/m...
Melt with melt(DT, id.vars=c(..), variable.name="CategoryLabel", value.name="Value") Cast with dcast(DT, LHS ~ RHS, value.var="Value", fun.aggregate=sum) ParameterDetailsid.varstell melt which columns to retainvariable.nametell melt what to call the column with...
DUAL table has one column DUMMY, defined to be VARCHAR2(1) and only one row with a value x. DUAL table is automatically created in SYS schema when database is created. You can access it from any schema. You can not change DUAL table. You can use DUAL table to call any function from SQL statemen...

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