Tutorial by Topics: use

Autofilter ultimate goal is to provide in the quickest way possible data mining from hundreds or thousands of rows data in order to get the attention in the items we want to focus on. It can receive parameters such as "text/values/colors" and they can be stacked among columns. You may conn...
This section provides an overview of what data-warehouse is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within data-warehouse, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for data-warehouse is new, you may need to create initial versions ...
If you have to change some things in renderer.js or main.js but you want to do the changes in index.html, you can use the remote function. It lets you access all the electron functions you need! use remote like require("electron"): main.js:    const electron = require("elec...
How to validade user inputs. Validation constrains the values a user can input into a cell, and/or set a combobox for the user select the value for the cell. Optionally, a message can be displayed when the user clicks in a cell and a message error, when the validation fails.
A SparseArray is an alternative for a Map. A Map requires its keys to be objects. The phenomenon of autoboxing occurs when we want to use a primitive int value as key. The compiler automatically converts primitive values to their boxed types (e.g. int to Integer). The difference in memory footprint ...
Quick examples for MID LEFT and RIGHT string functions using INSTR FIND and LEN. How do you find the text between two search terms (Say: after a colon and before a comma)? How do you get the remainder of a word (using MID or using RIGHT)? Which of these functions use Zero-based params and return c...
If you find the arguments for type systems persuasive in general, then you'll be happy with TypeScript. It brings many of the advantages of type system (safety, readability, improved tooling) to the JavaScript ecosystem. It also suffers from some of the drawbacks of type systems (added complexity a...
Proguard is free Java class file shrinker, optimizer, obfuscator, and preverifier. It detects and removes unused classes, fields, methods, and attributes. It optimizes bytecode and removes unused instructions. It renames the remaining classes, fields, and methods using short meaningless names. ...
To quote from @SnoringFrog's topic-creation request: "One of the biggest gotchas using sed is scripts that fail (or succeed in an unexpected way) because they were written for one and not the other. Simple run-down of the more major differences would be good." macOS uses the BSD ver...
NSOpenPanel provides an API for prompting the user for a file to open. This menu is the standard UI presented by the Open (⌘O) menu item.
Accessing network share file using PInvoke.
Whenever you are rendering a list of React components, each component needs to have a key attribute. The key can be any value, but it does need to be unique to that list. When React has to render changes on a list of items, React just iterates over both lists of children at the same time and genera...
Select never work in Bootstrap Modal follow given steps to use select2 in Bootstrap Model.
The RAM can be divided into two parts. The kernel space and user space. The kernel runs in the kernel space, which no other programs can access. User programs have to run in user space. User space is a form of sand-boxing, where user programs can only access to memory that allocated to them so that ...
Handling users within socket.io is as simple or as complex as you decided, though there are some more 'obvious' approaches for doing this, this documentation is going to outline an approach using map().
This post provides steps to use variables (User Variable, Package Parameter and Project Parameter) in the script component and viewing the updated value using Breakpoint and Watch window. ParameterDetailsUserVarIt is like a local variable used inside a package. Its value can be read and modifie...
In this topic, you can find useful links to improve your Laravel skills or extend your knowledge.
Plenty of VBA users consider Worksheets and Sheets objects synonyms. They are not. Sheets object consists of both Worksheets and Charts. Thus, if we have charts in our Excel Workbook, we should be careful, not to use Sheets and Worksheets as synonyms.

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