This is an example of something that would have been straight up impossible with labels. If you execute the same label multiple times at the same time and they rely on variables that are being defined within them, they very likely interfere and cause unexpected behavior.
Here is how to do it with functions:
; This script will switch between showing "Hello 1" and "Hello 2"
DisplayMessage_Hello1 := Func("DisplayMessage").bind("Hello 1")
SetTimer, %DisplayMessage_Hello1%, 2000
Sleep, 1000
DisplayMessage_Hello2 := Func("DisplayMessage").bind("Hello 2")
SetTimer, %DisplayMessage_Hello2%, 2000
DisplayMessage(messageToDisplay) {
TrayTip ; remove other traytips
TrayTip, Message to display:, %messageToDisplay%
Here is how to not do it (with labels):
;This script will never display the message "Hello 1". It will always show "Hello 2".
messageToDisplay := "Hello 1"
SetTimer, DisplayMessage, 2000
Sleep, 1000
messageToDisplay := "Hello 2"
SetTimer, DisplayMessage, 2000
TrayTip ; remove other traytips
TrayTip, Message to display:, %messageToDisplay%