This script demonstrates how to receive complicated GUI events from different controls in the same event callback function. We'll be using two ListView controls for that.
Now every time an action is detected on one of those ListView controls, we want a precise description of what happened and have that logged into an edit control in the same GUI.
Gui, Add, ListView, gListCtrlEvent vMyFirstListView AltSubmit -ReadOnly R10 w310, ColumnTitle1|ColumnTitle2|ColumnTitle3
Gui, Add, ListView, gListCtrlEvent vMySecondListView AltSubmit -ReadOnly R10 w310, ColumnTitle1|ColumnTitle2|ColumnTitle3
Gui, Add, Text, w310, Action Log
Gui, Add, Edit, vLog R7 w310,
Gui, Show,, Functions instead of labels
; Create example entries for the first ListView
Gui, ListView, MyFirstListView
Loop, 10 {
LV_Add("", "Column-1 | Row-" A_Index , "Column-2 | Row-" A_Index, "Column-3 | Row-" A_Index)
; Create example entries for the second ListView
Gui, ListView, MySecondListView
Loop, 10 {
LV_Add("", "Column-1 | Row-" A_Index , "Column-2 | Row-" A_Index, "Column-3 | Row-" A_Index)
ListCtrlEvent(ctrlHwnd:=0, guiEvent:="", eventInfo:="", errLvl:="") {
GuiControlGet, ctrlName, Name, %CtrlHwnd%
whatHappened := "Action detected!`n"
whatHappened .= "Control handle: " ctrlHwnd "`n"
whatHappened .= "Control name: " ctrlName "`n"
If (guiEvent = "DoubleClick") {
whatHappened .= "`nThe user has double-clicked within the control."
whatHappened .= "`n> Focused row number: " eventInfo
} Else If (guiEvent = "R") {
whatHappened .= "`nThe user has double-right-clicked within the control."
whatHappened .= "`n> Focused row number: " eventInfo
} Else If (guiEvent = "ColClick") {
whatHappened .= "`nThe user has clicked a column header."
whatHappened .= "`n> Column number: " eventInfo
} Else If (guiEvent = "D") {
whatHappened .= "`nThe user has attempted to start dragging a row or icon."
whatHappened .= "`n> Focused row number: " eventInfo
} Else If (guiEvent = "d") {
whatHappened .= "`nThe user has attempted to start right-click-dragging a row or icon."
whatHappened .= "`n> Focused row number: " eventInfo
} Else If (guiEvent = "e") {
whatHappened .= "`nThe user has finished editing the first field of a row."
whatHappened .= "`n> Row number: " eventInfo
} Else If (guiEvent = "Normal") {
whatHappened .= "`nThe user has left-clicked a row."
whatHappened .= "`n> Focused row number: " eventInfo
} Else If (guiEvent = "RightClick") {
whatHappened .= "`nThe user has right-clicked a row."
whatHappened .= "`n> Focused row number: " eventInfo
} Else If (guiEvent = "A") {
whatHappened .= "`nA row has been activated."
whatHappened .= "`n> Row number: " eventInfo
} Else If (guiEvent = "C") {
whatHappened .= "`nThe ListView has released mouse capture."
} Else If (guiEvent = "E") {
whatHappened .= "`nThe user has begun editing the first field of a row."
whatHappened .= "`n> Row number: " eventInfo
} Else If (guiEvent = "F") {
whatHappened .= "`nThe ListView has received keyboard focus."
} Else If (guiEvent = "f") {
whatHappened .= "`nThe ListView has lost keyboard focus."
} Else If (guiEvent = "I") {
whatHappened .= "`nItem changed. (A row has changed by becoming selected/deselected, checked/unchecked, etc.)"
whatHappened .= "`n> Row number: " eventInfo
} Else If (guiEvent = "K") {
whatHappened .= "`nThe user has pressed a key while the ListView has focus."
whatHappened .= "`n> Key pressed: " GetKeyName(Format("vk{:x}", eventInfo))
} Else If (guiEvent = "M") {
whatHappened .= "`nItem changed. (A row has changed by becoming selected/deselected, checked/unchecked, etc.)"
whatHappened .= "`n> Row number: " eventInfo
} Else If (guiEvent = "S") {
whatHappened .= "`nMarquee. The user has started to drag a selection-rectangle around a group of rows or icons."
} Else If (guiEvent = "s") {
whatHappened .= "`nThe user has finished scrolling the ListView."
GuiControlGet, Log
GuiControl,, Log, % whatHappened "`n---------------------`n" Log
GuiClose(hWnd) {
WinGetTitle, windowTitle, ahk_id %hWnd%
MsgBox, The Gui with title "%windowTitle%" is going to be closed! This script will exit afterwards!