The following is a simple example of using the strategy pattern without a context class. There are two implementation strategies which implement the interface and solve the same problem in different ways. Users of the EnglishTranslation class can call the translate method and choose which strategy they would like to use for the translation, by specifying the desired strategy.
// The strategy interface
public interface TranslationStrategy {
String translate(String phrase);
// American strategy implementation
public class AmericanTranslationStrategy implements TranslationStrategy {
public String translate(String phrase) {
return phrase + ", bro";
// Australian strategy implementation
public class AustralianTranslationStrategy implements TranslationStrategy {
public String translate(String phrase) {
return phrase + ", mate";
// The main class which exposes a translate method
public class EnglishTranslation {
// translate a phrase using a given strategy
public static String translate(String phrase, TranslationStrategy strategy) {
return strategy.translate(phrase);
// example usage
public static void main(String[] args) {
// translate a phrase using the AustralianTranslationStrategy class
String aussieHello = translate("Hello", new AustralianTranslationStrategy());
// Hello, mate
// translate a phrase using the AmericanTranslationStrategy class
String usaHello = translate("Hello", new AmericanTranslationStrategy());
// Hello, bro