Lazy loading is enabled by default. Lazy loading is achieved by creating derived proxy classes and overriding virtual navigation proeprties. Lazy loading occurs when property is accessed for the first time.
int companyId = ...;
Company company = context.Companies
.First(m => m.Id == companyId);
Person founder = company.Founder; // Founder is loaded
foreach (Address address in company.Addresses)
// Address details are loaded one by one.
To turn Lazy loading off for specific navigation properties just remove virtual keyword from property declaration:
public Person Founder { get; set; } // "virtual" keyword has been removed
If you want to completely turn off Lazy loading, then you have to change Configuration, for example, at Context constructor:
public class MyContext : DbContext
public MyContext(): base("Name=ConnectionString")
this.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
Note: Please remember to turn off Lazy loading if your are using serialization. Because serializers access every property you are going to load all of them from database. Additionally, you can run into loop between navigation properties.