Tutorial by Examples: al

Applying css intuitively doesn't produce the desired results because vertical-align:middle isn't applicable to block-level elements margin-top:auto and margin-bottom:auto used values would compute as zero margin-top:-50% percentage-based margin values are calculated relative to the width of ...
Early on a Flash developer uses frames, as they are natively available in Flash player, to host various screens of their application (most often it's a game). Eventually they might stumble upon an issue that something goes wrong exactly because they have used frames, and overlooked the difficulties ...
import flash.utils.*; var intervalId:uint=setInterval(schroedingerCat,1000); // execute a function once per second and gather interval ID trace("Cat's been closed in the box."); function schroedingerCat():void { if (Math.random()<0.04) { clearInterval(intervalId); // ...
AlertDialog is a subclass of Dialog that can display one, two or three buttons. If you only want to display a String in this dialog box, use the setMessage() method. The AlertDialog from android.app package displays differently on different Android OS Versions. The Android V7 Appcompat library pro...
A VHDL program can be simulated or synthesized. Simulation is what resembles most the execution in other programming languages. Synthesis translates a VHDL program into a network of logic gates. Many VHDL simulation and synthesis tools are parts of commercial Electronic Design Automation (EDA) s...
> List.repeat 3 "abc" ["abc","abc","abc"] : List String You can give List.repeat any value: > List.repeat 2 {a = 1, b = (2,True)} [{a = 1, b = (2,True)}, {a = 1, b = (2,True)}] : List {a : Int, b : (Int, Bool)}
By default, List.sort sorts in ascending order. > List.sort [3,1,5] [1,3,5] : List number List.sort needs the list elements to be comparable. That means: String, Char, number (Int and Float), List of comparable or tuple of comparable. > List.sort [(5,"ddd"),(4,"zzz"),...
List.sortWith allows you to sort lists with data of any shape - you supply it with a comparison function. compareBools : Bool -> Bool -> Order compareBools a b = case (a,b) of (False, True) -> LT (True, False) -> GT _ -> ...
Note: this is not very efficient due to the nature of List (see Remarks below). It will be better to construct the list the "right" way from the beginning than to construct it and then reverse it. > List.reverse [1,3,5,7,9] [9,7,5,3,1] : List number
By default List.sort sorts in ascending order, with the compare function. There are two ways to sort in descending order: one efficient and one inefficient. The efficient way: List.sortWith and a descending comparison function. descending a b = case compare a b of LT -> GT ...
List.sortBy allows to use a function on the elements and use its result for the comparison. > List.sortBy String.length ["longest","short","medium"] ["short","medium","longest"] : List String -- because the lengths are: [7,5,6] It ...
C++14 Those following duration user literals are declared in the namespace std::literals::chrono_literals, where both literals and chrono_literals are inline namespaces. Access to these operators can be gained with using namespace std::literals, using namespace std::chrono_literals, and using names...
Dim Value As Variant Value = CDec(1.234) 'Set Value to the smallest possible Decimal value Value = CDec("0.0000000000000000000000000001") The Decimal data-type is only available as a sub-type of Variant, so you must declare any variable that needs to contain a Decimal as a Variant ...
import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.SmallCheck as SC import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC import Test.Tasty.HUnit main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Tests" [smallCheckTests, quickCheckTests, unitTests] smallCheckTests :: TestTree smal...
First, Install Java SE Development Kit This can be as simple as downloading, double-clicking on the downloaded file, and following the installation instructions. For install Java SE Development Kit download it from official web site. Java SE Development Kit. Downloads After JDK install is complete...
This code is to add and remove a value from a flagged enum-instance: [Flags] public enum MyEnum { Flag1 = 1 << 0, Flag2 = 1 << 1, Flag3 = 1 << 2 } var value = MyEnum.Flag1; // set additional value value |= MyEnum.Flag2; //value is now Flag1, Flag2 value...
Elm Reactor is the essential tool for prototyping your application. Please note, that you will not be able to compile Main.elm with Elm Reactor, if you are using Http.App.programWithFlags or Ports Running elm-reactor in a projects directory will start a web server with a project explorer, that all...
C++14 Those following string user literals are declared in the namespace std::literals::string_literals, where both literals and string_literals are inline namespaces. Access to these operators can be gained with using namespace std::literals, using namespace std::string_literals, and using namespa...
Prerequisite steps: Install Java at your machine Visit neo4j website and click the link "Download Community Edition" or visit directly the download link. Unzip the .tar downloaded file in your home directory Start Neo4j from console (headless, without web server) Visit the sub-d...
C++14 Those following complex user literals are declared in the namespace std::literals::complex_literals, where both literals and complex_literals are inline namespaces. Access to these operators can be gained with using namespace std::literals, using namespace std::complex_literals, and using nam...

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