Tutorial by Examples

Build the APK First of all we need to build the APK. ionic build --release android Generate private Key Then we will create a keystore to sign the APK. keytool -genkey -v -keystore my-release-key.keystore -alias alias_name -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 Change my-release-key with ...
The Records Browser defines the schema for all scriptable record types; it is an extremely critical reference tool for every SuiteScript developer. When you need to know how to reference a particular field on a specific record type in your script, the Records Browser is your guide. Direct Link Oth...
You browse the Records Browser first by Record Type, i.e. "Sales Order", "Invoice", "Employee". There is no searching capability within the Records Browser, so all navigation is done manually. Record Types are organized alphabetically, so you first click on the first le...
Each schema provides you with an overwhelming amount of information about each record type. It is important to know how to break down all of this information. At the top of the schema is the name of the Record Type followed by the Internal ID of the record type; this internal ID is the programmatic...
As stated previously, there is no searching capability built in to the Records Browser. Once you've navigated to the appropriate Record Type, if you don't already know a particular field's Internal ID, the easiest way to find it is to use your browser's Find function (usually CTRL+F) to locate the f...
The Required column of the schema indicates whether this field is required to save the record. If this column says true, then you will need to provide a value for this field when saving any record of this type.
The nlapiSubmitField column is a critical piece to understand. This column indicates whether the field is available for inline editing. If nlapiSubmitField is true, then the field can be edited inline. This greatly impacts how this field is handled when trying to use the nlapiSubmitField or record.s...
To jump to a specific line with colon number. To jump to the first line of a file use :1 To jump to line 23 :23
Each React Native component can take a style prop. You can pass it a JavaScript object with CSS-style style properties: <Text style={{color:'red'}}>Red text</Text> This can be inefficient as it has to recreate the object each time the component is rendered. Using a stylesheet is pref...
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { View, Text, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ red: { color: 'red' }, big: { fontSize: 30 } }); class Example extends Component { render() { return ( ...
You can pass an array to the style prop to apply multiple styles. When there is a conflict, the last one in the list takes precedence. import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { View, Text, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ red: { color: ...
ColumnColumn AExample formulaExample formulaRow 12Row 23Row 35=A1+A2=Sum(A1,A2)
You can call the CEE3DLY service in 24- 31- or 64- bit mode to delay a task to the nearest second. It is CICS save and will only delay the thread. An example: IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. SLEEPYTM. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. ...
Before running gulp you need to install Node.JS and npm The head of the Gulp.js is: var gulp = require('gulp'); clean = require('gulp-clean'); // A gulp plugin for removing files and folders. imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin'); // Minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images Then assign path...
Before starting gulp we need to install node.js and npm. Then install gulp-sacc $ npm i gulp-sass --save-dev // i = install Gulp Head var gulp = require('gulp'); // Requires the gulp-sass plugin var sass = require('gulp-sass'); Gulp Body gulp.task('sass', function(){ return gulp.src('...
One way to avoid deep nesting (as recommended above) is to generate the collection actions scoped under the parent, so as to get a sense of the hierarchy, but to not nest the member actions. In other words, to only build routes with the minimal amount of information to uniquely identify the resource...
Run grunt -h to see the following: Command line parameters All available standalone tasks in the Gruntfile of the current directory All subtasks of each suite of tasks in the Gruntfile of the current directory
Use dynamic_cast<>() as a function, which helps you to cast down through an inheritance hierarchy (main description). If you must do some non-polymorphic work on some derived classes B and C, but received the base class A, then write like this: class A { public: virtual ~A(){} }; class B...
VBScript is a weakly typed language; variables are all of type variant, though they usually have an implied subtype denoting the data they hold. This means that your variable, no matter what you call it, can hold any value: Dim foo foo = "Hello, World!" foo = 123.45 foo = #01-Jan-2016...
Objects like numbers, lists, dictionaries,nested structures and class instance objects live in your computer’s memory and are lost as soon as the script ends. pickle stores data persistently in separate file. pickled representation of an object is always a bytes object in all cases so one must ope...

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