Tutorial by Examples

Path methods helps easy access to application related paths easily from anywhere. public_path() This method returns the fully qualified public path of the application. which is the public directory. $path = public_path();
url() The url function generates a fully qualified URL to the given path. if your site is hello.com echo url('my/dashboard'); would return hello.com/my/dashboard if nothing is passed to the url method it would return an instance of Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator, and it could be used like...
The useGravity property of a RigidBody controls whether gravity affects it or not. If set to false the RigidBody will behave as if in outer space (without a constant force being applied to it in some direction). GetComponent<RigidBody>().useGravity = false; It is very useful in the situati...
First, Go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console. Enter this Command "Install-Package Plugin.Facebook" in Package Manger Console. Now all the file is automatically created. Video : Login with Facebook in Xamarin Forms Other Authentication by using Pl...
From the Welcome to Android Studio dialogue box, select New Project... to open the Create New Project dialog. In the New Android Application dialog, under Application name, specify an appropriate application name. The remainder of this tutorial uses BasicMapSolution as the application name....
When you have defined the basic layout of the application and acquired necessary permissions, the final step is to initialize the instance of the MapFragment class, thus creating and associating a Map with the MapFragment declared in the activity_main.xml file. public class BasicMapActivity extends...
When using the Oozie Proxy job submission API for submitting the Oozie Hive, Pig, and Sqoop actions. To pass any configuration to the action, is required to be in below format. For Hive action: oozie.hive.options.size : The number of options you'll be passing to Hive action. oozie.hive.options....
Before we use the IncludeFile method, we need to : Declare std_internal_LibFiles globally Initialize it with a new dictionary Dim std_internal_LibFiles Set std_internal_LibFiles = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Bokeh's Docs on Installation Bokeh runs on Python it has the following dependencies; NumPy, Jinja2, Six, Requests, Tornado >= 4.0, PyYaml, DateUtil If you plan on installing with Python 2.7 you will also need future. All of those come with the Anaconda Python Distribution. Which you can downl...
The abstract class IntentService is a base class for services, which run in the background without any user interface. Therefore, in order to update the UI, we have to make use of a receiver, which may be either a BroadcastReceiver or a ResultReceiver: A BroadcastReceiver should be used if your s...
Use browser.driver instead of driver Use browser.driver.ignoreSynchronization = true Reason: Protractor waits for angular components to load completely on a web-page befor it begins any execution. However, since our pages are non-angular, Protractor keeps waiting for 'angular' to load till the tes...
using MailKit.Net.Smtp; using MimeKit; using MimeKit.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Project.Services { /// Using a static class to store sensitive credentials /// for simplicity. Ideally these should be stored in /// configuration files public static class C...
Before starting with deletion I just want to put some lights on what is a Binary search tree(BST), Each node in a BST can have maximum of two nodes(left and right child).The left sub-tree of a node has a key less than or equal to its parent node's key. The right sub-tree of a node has a key greater ...
ng-view is a directive used with $route to render a partial view in the main page layout. Here in this example, Index.html is our main file and when user lands on "/" route the templateURL home.html will be rendered in Index.html where ng-view is mentioned. angular.module('ngApp', ['ngRou...
Array Implementation #include<stdio.h> #define MAX 100000 //Global variables int top = -1; int a[MAX]; void push(int x){ if(top == MAX-1){ // Check whether stack is full printf("Stack Overflow\n"); retur...
The most common way to add (and edit classes) in from the system browser In the Nautilus system browser have nothing selected or select a package (first column) or a class (second column). Depending on the selection, the code editor will display a slightly different class template: SelectionTemplat...
In Pharo everything is an object, and every object responds to messages. So if you evaluate the following code Object subclass: #MyClass the object Object will create for you its subclass called MyClass. If you don't have any particular superclass in your mind it's advised to subclass from Objec...
NetSuite uses the Script record to map the function(s) in your source file to specific events that occur in the system. For instance, if you need some business logic to run when a form is saved in the UI, the Script record will tell NetSuite which function to call when the Save Record event occurs. ...
Once we have a Script record created, we then need to deploy that script into the system. While the Script record tells NetSuite which functions to call from our source file, the Script Deployment record lets NetSuite know which records and users our Script should execute for. While the Script reco...

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