Tutorial by Examples

How to reference a default folder and the possible limitations of this technique. How to reference any single folder at any depth within any accessible store. How to display the full name of a referenced folder. How to reference one of the many, many available libraries that provide functionali...
Most of functions in D3.js accept an anonymous function as an argument. The common examples are .attr, .style, .text, .on and .data, but the list is way bigger than that. In such cases, the anonymous function is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed: The current datum (d) ...
<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/api.js"></script> <script> function start() { // 2. Initialize the JavaScript client library. gapi.client.init({ 'apiKey': 'YOUR_API_KEY', // clientId and scope are optional if auth is not required. 'clientId': 'YOUR_WEB_CL...
Declare @Text nvarchar(max) Declare @Value int SET @Text = 'Text' SET @Value = 0
You are an Outlook user and understand terms such as “email”, “received time”, “subject” and “Folder Pane”. You know how to access Outlook’s Visual Basic Editor and create a module. See Introduction Part 1 if necessary. You have at least a basic knowledge of VBA. I declare Subroutines and variab...
Outlook stores emails, calendar items, notes, tasks and so on in files known as Stores. If you look at your Folder Pane you will see something like: Aaaaaaaaaa Inbox Drafts Deleted Items : : Bbbbbbbbbb Inbox Drafts Deleted Items : : Cccccccccc : : "Aaaaaaaa...
In my Folder Pane example above, I only list three standard folders: “Inbox”, “Drafts” and “Deleted Items”. There are other standard folders and you can create as many folders of your own as you wish. Some people create folders under Inbox but I prefer to create new folders at the same level as Inb...
A store is a file in which Outlook stores emails, calendar items, notes, tasks and so on. A store may contain Outlook standard folders such as “Inbox” and “Sent Items”. A store may also contain user created folders. Both Outlook standard folders and user created folders may contain user created...
Many ls() queries are intended to find a single object, but ls always returns a list (or, in older Mayas, a single None). This creates complicated error checking for a simple question. The easiest way to get a single value from an ls under any circumstances is result = (cmds.ls('your query here'...
All images are from UK versions of Outlook. I know that some names are translated into the local language for other versions and I assume that most of the names for the tabs are translated. Probably the sequence of tabs is unchanged in non-English versions. Alternatively, you will need to look at yo...
All images in this section are from the UK version of Outlook 2016. I know that some names are translated into the local language for other versions and I assume that most of the names for the tabs are translated. Probably the sequence of tabs is unchanged in non-English versions. Alternatively, you...
The images in this section are all from Outlook 2016 but they could have come from Outlook 2003. Outlook VBA may have changed over the years but to my eyes the VBA Editor has not. Whichever version you have you will see something like: Above there is a “+” against "Project1". If you hav...
Did your version of Outlook need you to add the Development tab? If so, you will not need to repeat this process until you next have a new Outlook installation. Come back here when that happens. Remember how to enter the Visual Basic Editor. Remember how to create and rename a module.
HAML (HTML abstraction markup language) is a beautiful and elegant way to describe and design the HTML of your views. Instead of opening- and closing tags, HAML uses indentation for the structure of your pages. Basically, if something should be placed within another element, you just indent it by us...
All strings in Progress ABL are case sensitive unless specified otherwise. This example will display a message box saying that the strings are identical. DEFINE VARIABLE str1 AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE str2 AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. str1 = "abc". str2 = "ABC". ...
Using LIKE you can base the definition of you variable on another variable or a field in a database or temp-table. Defining a variable LIKE a database field requiers the database to always be connected. This might not always be what you want. DEFINE VARIABLE i AS INTEGER NO-UNDO LABEL "Nr&quo...
Progress supports + / - * as operators. They cannot be overloaded. Division always returns a decimal. If any of the numbers in a calculation is a decimal a decimal will be returned. Otherwise an INTEGER or INT64. There's no += or ++ operator. To increase or decrease a variable you have to assign it...
EXP - Returns the result of raising a number to a power. EXP( base, exponent) MESSAGE EXP(10, 2) VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX. // Messages 100 SQRT - Returns the square root of a number. SQRT( number) MESSAGE "The square root of 256 is " SQRT(256) VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX. // Messages 16 M...
The various parts of the introduction aim to give the information that any programmer new to Outlook VBA would need. Much of the code was originally developed with Outlook 2003 and has been tested with Outlook 2016. It should work unchanged with any intermediate version. New functionality has been...
In Swift, protocol extensions cannot have true properties. However, in practice you can use the "associated object" technique. The result is almost exactly like a "real" property. Here is the exact technique for adding an "associated object" to a protocol extension: ...

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