Tutorial by Examples

Parent component : import {Component} from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'parent-component', templateUrl: './parent-component.html' }) export class ParentComponent { users : Array<User> = []; changeUsersActivation(user : User){ user.changeButtonState(); } ...
Create a build job (according to your requirement). For this example I have created a freestyle job (AutoPush) to perform ANT build. We are going to create two variables, PUSH (Choice Parameter) and TAG_NUMBER (String Parameter). We can choose the value YES or NO for PUSH, this will decide whether...
Java technology is both a programming language and a platform. The Java programming language is a high-level object-oriented language that has a particular syntax and style. A Java platform is a particular environment in which Java programming language applications run. There are several Java platf...
The 0.9 release of Kafka introduced a complete redesign of the kafka consumer. If you are interested in the old SimpleConsumer (0.8.X), have a look at this page. If your Kafka installation is newer than 0.8.X, the following codes should work out of the box. Configuration and initialization Kaf...
In your redux store you hold the raw data. Some times the raw data is all you need, but other times you need to derive new data from the raw data, often by combining parts of the raw data. A common use case for deriving data is filtering a list of data based on a criteria, where both the list and t...
The user can call Incrementor.Increment K number of times by pressing a key within '0' .. '9' and it's possible to call Incrementor.Increment faster than the task Incrementor can increment I. with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; procedure Main is use Ada.Text_IO; task Incrementor...
Configuration and initialization First, create a maven project and add the following dependency in your pom: <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.kafka</groupId> <artifactId>kafka-clients</artifactId> <version&...
NameStorage SizeDescriptionRangesmallint2 bytessmall-range integer-32768 to +32767integer4 bytesypical choice for integer-2147483648 to +2147483647bigint8 byteslarge-range integer-9223372036854775808 to +9223372036854775807decimalvariableuser-specified precision, exactup to 131072 digits before the...
NameStorage SizeDescriptionLow ValueHigh ValueResolutiontimestamp (without time zone)8 bytesboth date and time (no time zone)4713 BC294276 AD1 microsecond / 14 digitstimestamp (with time zone)8 bytesboth date and time, with time zone4713 BC294276 AD1 microsecond / 14 digitsdate4 bytesdate (no time o...
NameStorage SizeDescriptionRepresentationpoint16 bytesPoint on a plane(x,y)line32 bytesInfinite line{A,B,C}lseg32 bytesFinite line segment((x1,y1),(x2,y2))box32 bytesRectangular box((x1,y1),(x2,y2))path16+16n bytesClosed path (similar to polygon)((x1,y1),...)path16+16n bytesOpen path[(x1,y1),...]pol...
NameStorage SizeDescriptioncidr7 or 19 bytesIPv4 and IPv6 networksinet7 or 19 bytesIPv4 and IPv6 hosts and networksmacaddr6 bytesMAC addresses
NameDescriptioncharacter varying(n), varchar(n)variable-length with limitcharacter(n), char(n)fixed-length, blank paddedtextvariable unlimited length
By changing mappoint x and y values as you need you can change offset possition of google map,by default it will be in the center of the map view. Call below method where you want to change it! Better to use it inside your onLocationChanged like changeOffsetCenter(location.getLatitude(),location.ge...
If you need to extract information from a text response, the easiest way is to use Regular Expressions. The matching pattern is very similar to the one used in Perl. Let’s assume we want to test a flight ticket purchase workflow. The first step is to submit the purchase operation. The next step is t...
XPath can be used to navigate through elements and attributes in an XML document. It could be useful when data from the response cannot be extracted using the Regular Expression Extractor. For example, in the case of a scenario where you need to extract data from similar tags with the same attribute...
The CSS/JQuery extractor enables extracting values from a server response by using a CSS/JQuery selector syntax, which might have otherwise been difficult to write using Regular Expression. As a post-processor, this element should be executed to extract the requested nodes, text or attribute values...
JSON is a commonly used data format that is used in web based applications. The JMeter JSON Extractor provides a way to use JSON Path expressions for extracting values from JSON-based responses in JMeter. This post processor must be placed as a child of the HTTP Sampler or for any other sampler that...
When you manually write your performance scripts, you need to deal with correlation yourself. But there is another option to create your scripts - automation scripts recording. On the one hand, the manual approach helps your write structured scripts and you can add all the required extractors at the...
This uses the Dropbox Java SDK to share a file at "/test.txt" with a specific user: List<MemberSelector> newMembers = new ArrayList<MemberSelector>(); MemberSelector newMember = MemberSelector.email("<EMAIL_ADDRESS_TO_INVITE>"); newMembers.add(newMember); ...
This uses the Dropbox Java SDK to retrieve an existing shared link for /Testing/test.txt specifically: ListSharedLinksResult listSharedLinksResult = client.sharing() .listSharedLinksBuilder() .withPath("/Testing/test.txt").withDirectOnly(true) .start(); System....

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