Tutorial by Examples

How to ... 1 - use twig extension class that extends use \Twig_Extension class dobToAge extends \Twig_Extension { 2 - Add the appropriate filter by overriding getFilters() method public function getFilters() { return array( 'age' => new \Twig_Filter_Method($this, '...
If you need to select between several options, enabling just one via enable_if<> can be quite cumbersome, since several conditions needs to be negated too. The ordering between overloads can instead be selected using inheritance, i.e. tag dispatch. Instead of testing for the thing that ne...
Installation: To install the LoopBack command-line interface (CLI) tool: npm install -g loopback-cli This installs the lb command-line tool for scaffolding and modifying LoopBack applications. Create new application: To create a new application: lb The LoopBack application generator will ...
This is the typical approach for novice developers building SQL action queries. They are vulnerable to the Bobby Tables type SQL Injection attacks. Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "INSERT INTO Employees chrFirstName, chrLastName, chrPhone " _ & "VALUES ('" & M...
This approach will prevent a user from embedding a second SQL statement in their input for execution. Dim strSQL As String Dim db As DAO.Database Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef strSQL = "PARAMETERS [FirstName] Text(255), [LastName] Text(255), [Phone] Text(255); " _ & "INS...
// create the dictionary that will be sent to the blocks var myDictionary:Dictionary<String, Any> = Dictionary<String, Any>() myDictionary["InitialKey"] = "InitialValue" // create block queue let myBlockQueue:MKBlockQueue = MKBlockQueue() // block 1 let b1...
Timeout The simplest way to make a delay or pause for a certain amount of time, is with the standard command TIMEOUT. To make a timeout that lasts exactly one minute we type: timeout /t 60 Now what is going on here? First off we use the command TIMEOUT with the parameter /T (which simply mea...
Detailed instructions on getting opengl-es-2.0 set up or installed.
First we need a table to hold our data class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration def change create_table :users do |t| t.string :name t.string :password t.string :type # <- This makes it an STI t.timestamps end end end Then lets create some ...
Let's apply the State Machine pattern for parsing lines with the specific pattern using S4 Class feature from R. PROBLEM ENUNCIATION We need to parse a file where each line provides information about a person, using a delimiter (";"), but some information provided is optional, and instea...
UILabel, UITextField, & UITextView classes have a new property starting from iOS 10 for automatically resizing their font when a user changes their preferred reading size named adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory. Swift @IBOutlet var label:UILabel! if #available(iOS 10.0, *) { label.adju...
Lets start installing the popular library Alamofire to our Xcode project! Lets first install CocoaPods by using the command: [sudo] gem install cocoapods Then let's create a new project in Xcode called Start! Navigate to the folder that contains the .xcodeproj and create a new text file called ...
(clj-time/date-time 2017 1 20) Gives you a Joda time of 20th Jan 2017 at 00:00:00. Hours, minutes and seconds can also be specified as (clj-time/date-time year month date hour minute second millisecond)
In the directory if the xcodeproj, create a new file called Podfile. The following is an example of a Podfile that installs the pod 'AFNetworking' version 1.0 to the app MyApp. target 'MyApp' pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 1.0'
Graph In computer science, a graph is an abstract data type that is meant to implement the undirected graph and directed graph concepts from mathematics. A graph data structure consists of a finite (and possibly mutable) set of vertices or nodes or points, together with a set of unordered pairs of...
Its key features include: Use of the publish/subscribe message pattern which provides one-to-many message distribution and decoupling of applications. A messaging transport that is agnostic to the content of the payload. Three qualities of service for message delivery A small transp...
To use MQTT in the application we have variety of Libraries available for different programming languages. MQTT Library LIBRARYLANGUAGEDESCRIPTIONEclipse PahoC, C++, Java, Javascript, Python, Go, C#Paho clients are among the most popular client library implementations.Fusesource MQTT ClientJa...
Go to ActiveMQ Website and download latest stable version of activeMQ click here to activeMQ downloads after downloading, unzip it if you're using windows 32 Go to apache-activemq-5.14.3\bin\win32 if windows 64 apache-activemq-5.14.3\bin\win64 run the activemq batch file thats it...
In the tsconfig.json set "sourceMap": true, to generate mappings alongside with js-files from the TypeScript sources using the tsc command. The launch.json file: { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "type"...
Create a Node.js debug configuration and use index.js as Node parameters.

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