Tutorial by Examples: al

Use the link attribute in the document's head: <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css"> </head> You can also use stylesheets provided from websites via a content delivery network, or CDN for short. (for example, Bo...
You can also include CSS elements internally by using the <style> tag: <head> <style type="text/css"> body { background-color: gray; } </style> </head> Multiple internal stylesheets can be included in a program as...
The complete sample code for this application (Android + Node server) is available in the PayPal Developer Github repository. The first stage of creating the Android portion of our application is to set up a basic layout and handle responses that come back from the server that we'll set up in Node....
The markdown help states Available conditionals are gt, gte, lt, lte, eq, and neq. <!-- if version [eq C++03] --> eq equal to <!-- end version if --> <!-- if version [neq C++03] --> neq not equal to <!-- end version if --> <!-- if version [gt C++03] -...
Multiple conditions can be used. <!-- if version [lte 1.2.0] [gt 1.3.12] [gt 1.4.9] [neq 1.2.0] [eq 1.5.7] --> content <!-- end version if -->
@parallel can be used to parallellize a loop, dividing steps of the loop up over different workers. As a very simple example: addprocs(3) a = collect(1:10) for idx = 1:10 println(a[idx]) end For a slightly more complex example, consider: @time begin @sync begin @paral...
The Julia documentation advises that pmap() is designed for the case where each function call does a large amount of work. In contrast, @parallel for can handle situations where each iteration is tiny, perhaps merely summing two numbers. There are several reasons for this. First, pmap incurs ...
SELECT s.name AS [schema], t.object_id AS [table_object_id], t.name AS [table_name], c.column_id, c.name AS [column_name], i.name AS [index_name], i.type_desc AS [index_type] FROM sys.schemas AS s INNER JOIN sys.tables AS t ON s.schema_id = t.schema_id I...
-- natural primary key - using an existing piece of data within the table that uniquely identifies the record create table person ( firstName varchar(100) not null, lastName varchar(100) not null, dob DateTime not null, ssn varchar(9) primary key not null )
In the absence of explicit initialization, external and static variables are guaranteed to be initialized to zero; automatic variables (including register variables) have indeterminate1 (i.e., garbage) initial values. Scalar variables may be initialized when they are defined by following the name w...
There are several to evaluate a certain expression when debugging a Java application. 1. Manually inspecting an expression When the program execution is suspended at a certain line (either due to a breakpoint or manually stepping through the debugger), you can manually evaluate an expression by se...
Extension methods can be used to "hide" processing of inelegant business rules that would otherwise require cluttering up a calling function with if/then statements. This is similar to and analogous to handling nulls with extension methods. For example, public static class CakeExtensions ...
If you need to write a file using different locale settings to the default, you can use std::locale and std::basic_ios::imbue() to do that for a specific file stream: Guidance for use: You should always apply a local to a stream before opening the file. Once the stream has been imbued you shoul...
SELECT COALESCE(NULL, NULL, 'TechOnTheNet.com', NULL, 'CheckYourMath.com'); Result: 'TechOnTheNet.com' SELECT COALESCE(NULL, 'TechOnTheNet.com', 'CheckYourMath.com'); Result: 'TechOnTheNet.com' SELECT COALESCE(NULL, NULL, 1, 2, 3, NULL, 4); Result: 1
An object can only be deallocated by delete if it was allocated by new and is not an array. If the argument to delete was not returned by new or is an array, the behavior is undefined. An object can only be deallocated by delete[] if it was allocated by new and is an array. If the argument to delet...
USE msdb Go SELECT dbo.sysjobs.Name AS 'Job Name', 'Job Enabled' = CASE dbo.sysjobs.Enabled WHEN 1 THEN 'Yes' WHEN 0 THEN 'No' END, 'Frequency' = CASE dbo.sysschedules.freq_type WHEN 1 THEN 'Once' WHEN 4 THEN 'Daily' ...
Structures and arrays of structures can be initialized by a series of values enclosed in braces, one value per member of the structure. struct Date { int year; int month; int day; }; struct Date us_independence_day = { 1776, 7, 4 }; struct Date uk_battles[] = { { 1066, ...
Functions can have optional parameters, for example: function hello($name, $style = 'Formal') { switch ($style) { case 'Formal': print "Good Day $name"; break; case 'Informal': print "Hi $name"; break; ...
The standard requires that long double provides at least as much precision as double, which provides at least as much precision as float; and that a long double can represent any value that a double can represent, while a double can represent any value that a float can represent. The details of the ...
Lists can also be assigned to hash variables. When creating a list that will be assigned to a hash variable, it is recommended to use the fat comma => between keys and values to show their relationship: my %hash = ( foo => 42, bar => 43, baz => 44 ); The => is really only a specia...

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