Tutorial by Examples

Changing the order (or position) was possible in Bootstrap 3 using the push pull classes. In Bootstrap 4, the push pull classes still work, and additionally flexbox order can be used. In Bootstrap 4, the push pull classes are now push-{viewport}-{units} and pull-{viewport}-{units} and the xs- infix...
Given that the data directory of the server is empty: The server is initialized. SSL certificate and key files are generated in the data directory. The validate_password plugin is installed and enabled. The superuser account 'root'@'localhost' is created. The password for the superuser is set ...
To reveal the default "root" password: shell> sudo grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log Change the root password as soon as possible by logging in with the generated temporary password and set a custom password for the superuser account: shell> mysql -uroot -p mysql...
Processing Field collection items with Rules is fun, really! Have a look at this Rule (in Rules export format): { "rules_calculate_sum_of_prices_in_all_field_collection_items" : { "LABEL" : "Calculate sum of prices in all field collection items", "PLUGIN...
It is a good practice to add comments that describe the code. It is helpful for others and even for the coder when returned later. A single line can be commented using the % symbol or using the shortkey Ctrl+R. To uncomment a previously commented line remove the % symbol or use shortkey Crtl+T. W...
While handling not in sub-query with null in the sub-query we need to eliminate NULLS to get your expected results create table #outertable (i int) create table #innertable (i int) insert into #outertable (i) values (1), (2),(3),(4), (5) insert into #innertable (i) values (2), (3), (null) s...
Keychain allows to save items with special SecAccessControl attribute which will allow to get item from Keychain only after user will be authenticated with Touch ID (or passcode if such fallback is allowed). App is only notified whether the authentication was successful or not, whole UI is managed b...
Detailed instructions on getting omnet++ set up or installed.
It's possible to pass variables from your server into Pug for dynamic content or script generation. Pug templates can access variables passed to the res.render function in Express (or pug.renderFile if you are not using Express, the arguments are identical). index.js let colors = ["Red",...
Content interpolated with bracket syntax will be evaluated for code, the output of which is included in your HTML output. title follows the basic pattern for evaluating a template local, but the code in between #{and } is evaluated, escaped, and the result buffered into the output of the template...
Interpolating values is helpful if you need to pass a server-side variable to client-side JavaScript (or other languages that require it). In the case of variables, numbers, strings, and the like, you can pass these types of variables directly into your JavaScript with bracket syntax plus an explan...
It may be necessary to nest HTML tags inside of each other. Element interpolation is done in a syntax similar to variable interpolation; square brackets instead of curly braces are used here. The syntax of interpolated HTML elements is identical to the implementation of normal HTML elements. index....
Let's see how we can organize the code, when the codebase is getting larger. 01. Functions fn main() { greet(); } fn greet() { println!("Hello, world!"); } 02. Modules - In the same file fn main() { greet::hello(); } mod greet { // By default, everything inside a...
In Strict Mode, functions declared in a local block are inaccessible outside the block. "use strict"; { f(); // 'hi' function f() {console.log('hi');} } f(); // ReferenceError: f is not defined Scope-wise, function declarations in Strict Mode have the same kind of binding as l...
function a(x = 5) { "use strict"; } is invalid JavaScript and will throw a SyntaxError because you cannot use the directive "use strict" in a function with Non-Simple Parameter list like the one above - default assignment x = 5 Non-Simple parameters include - Default a...
In this example I will be using oauth2 in rest api with redis database Important: You will need to install redis database on your machine, Download it from here for linux users and from here to install windows version, and we will be using redis manager desktop app, install it from here. ...
ClassDeclaration's Name is bound in different ways in different scopes - The scope in which the class is defined - let binding The scope of the class itself - within { and } in class {} - const binding class Foo { // Foo inside this block is a const binding } // Foo here is a let binding...
This example attempts to create a bucket called 'hello-world' and, as the bucket hello-world has already been created by someone else in S3's global namespace, throws the following exception. Change 'hello-world' to something else to avoid the exception by creating a uniquely named bucket. The new...
To develop an application for watchOS, you should start with Xcode. Xcode only runs on macOS. At the time of writing, the latest version is Xcode 8.3. If you want to start a new project from scratch: Boot up your Mac and install Xcode from the App Store if it's not already installed. Choo...
Use case: just one action which should return a plain (text) content as-is: public function actionAsXML() { $this->layout = false; Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_XML; return ['aaa' => [1, 2, 3, 4]];; } Pre-defined response formats are: FORMAT_HTM...

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