Tutorial by Examples: al

The following are instructions to setup latest version of Varnish on various Linux distros. CentOS 7 curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/varnishcache/varnish5/script.rpm.sh | sudo bash Ubuntu apt-get install apt-transport-https curl https://repo.varnish-cache.org/GPG-key.txt ...
"alpha" is used to specify the opacity for an image. set alpha using XML attribute: android:alpha="0.5" Note: takes float value from 0 (transparent) to 1 (fully visible) set alpha programmatically: imgExample.setAlpha(0.5f);
If you want to show local notification immediately, you should call: Swift 3 UIApplication.shared.presentLocalNotificationNow(notification) Swift 2 UIApplication.sharedApplication().presentLocalNotificationNow(notification) Objective-C [[UIApplication sharedApplication] presentLocalNotific...
Create a new Console Application Add the NuGet package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis Import the namespaces Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MSBuild, System.Linq and Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax Write the following example code in the Main method: // Declaring a variable with the current project file ...
Create a new console application with one line in the Main method: Console.WriteLine("Hello World") Remember the path to the .csproj file and replace it in the example. Create a new Console Application and install the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis NuGet package and try the following code: cons...
Create a new console application with one line in the Main method: Console.WriteLine("Hello World") Remember the path to the .vbproj file and replace it in the example. Create a new Console Application and install the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis NuGet package and try the following code: Cons...
Detailed instructions on getting sequelize.js set up or installed.
Less has been one of the most popular CSS Pre-processors, and has also been widely deployed in numerous front-end frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, etc. The Less Compiler is a JavaScript based compiler, which can be obtained from a Content Delivery Network: <script src="//cdnjs.cloudfl...
In the below example value in map $color-array is treated as list of pairs. SCSS Input $color-array:( black: #4e4e4e, blue: #0099cc, green: #2ebc78 ); @each $color-name, $color-value in $color-array { .bg-#{$color-name} { background: $color-value; } } ...
Specifying the -gui command line option when running an ANTLR grammar in the test rig will result in a window popping up with a visual representation of the parse tree. For example: Given the following grammar: JSON.g4 /** Taken from "The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference" by Terence Parr */...
Due to the vulnerability caused by CSRF, it is generally considered a good practice to check for an AntiForgeryToken on all HttpPosts unless there is a good reason to not do it (some technical issue with the post, there is another authentication mechanism and/or the post does not mutate state like s...
For a 12hour time format one can use: ^(?:0?[0-9]|1[0-2])[-:][0-5][0-9]\s*[ap]m$ Where (?:0?[0-9]|1[0-2]) is the hour [-:] is the separator, which can be adjusted to fit your need [0-5][0-9] is the minute \s*[ap]m followed any number of whitespace characters, and am or pm If you need th...
PresenceOf - Validates that a value is not null or empty string $validator->add('name', new \Phalcon\Validation\Validator\PresenceOf([ 'message' => 'The name is required' ])); Email - Checks if a value has a correct e-mail format $validator->add('email', new \Phalcon\Validation\Va...
Consider the following code as an illustration: public String joinWords(List<String> words) { String message = ""; for (String word : words) { message = message + " " + word; } return message; } Unfortunate this code is inefficient if the w...
For most GNU/Linux distributions, a version of GnuCOBOL is available in the repositories. GnuCOBOL was originally OpenCOBOL, rebranded when the project became an official GNU project. Many repositories are still using open-cobol as the package name (as of August 2016). For Fedora, and other RPM b...
A spring bean can be configured such that it will register only if it has a particular value or a specified property is met. To do so, implement Condition.matches to check the property/value: public class PropertyCondition implements Condition { @Override public boolean matches(ConditionC...
By default: Use val, not var, wherever possible. This allows you to take seamless advantage of a number of functional utilities, including work distribution. Use recursion and comprehensionss, not loops. Use immutable collections. This is a corrolary to using val whenever possible. Focus on da...
If all you need is to wrap the value into a promise, you don't need to use the long syntax like here: //OVERLY VERBOSE var defer; defer = $q.defer(); defer.resolve(['one', 'two']); return defer.promise; In this case you can just write: //BETTER return $q.when(['one', 'two']); $q.when ...
C-h t runs the function help-with-tutorial, which opens a buffer containing a tutorial on the basic editing functionality of emacs, including moving around in text, and working with files, buffers, and windows.
Another powerful & mature concurrency tool in Haskell is Software Transactional Memory, which allows for multiple threads to write to a single variable of type TVar a in an atomic manner. TVar a is the main type associated with the STM monad and stands for transactional variable. They're used m...

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