Tutorial by Examples: c

from django.db import models, IntegerField from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField class IceCream(models.Model): scoops = ArrayField(IntegerField() # we'll use numbers to ID the scoops , size=6) # our parlor only lets you have 6 scoops When you us...
This query returns all cones with a chocolate scoop and a vanilla scoop. VANILLA, CHOCOLATE, MINT, STRAWBERRY = 1, 2, 3, 4 # constants for flavors choco_vanilla_cones = IceCream.objects.filter(scoops__contains=[CHOCOLATE, VANILLA]) Don't forget to import the IceCream model from your models.py ...
This query returns all cones with either a mint scoop or a vanilla scoop. minty_vanilla_cones = IceCream.objects.filter(scoops__contained_by=[MINT, VANILLA])
In order to inspect an image, you can use the image ID or the image name, consisting of repository and tag. Say, you have the CentOS 6 base image: ➜ ~ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE centos centos6 cf2c3...
String.prototype.toUpperCase(): console.log('qwerty'.toUpperCase()); // 'QWERTY'
String.prototype.toLowerCase() console.log('QWERTY'.toLowerCase()); // 'qwerty'
A predefined macro is a macro that is already understood by the C pre processor without the program needing to define it. Examples include Mandatory Pre-Defined Macros __FILE__, which gives the file name of the current source file (a string literal), __LINE__ for the current line number (an int...
/// <summary> /// Returns the data for the specified ID and timestamp. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">The ID for which to get data. </param> /// <param name="time">The DateTime for which to get data. </param> /// <returns>A Data...
To generate an XML documentation file from documentation comments in the code, use the /doc option with the csc.exe C# compiler. In Visual Studio 2013/2015, In Project -> Properties -> Build -> Output, check the XML documentation file checkbox: When you build the project, an XML file wi...
Say you have a <textarea> and you want to retrieve info about the number of: Characters (total) Characters (no spaces) Words Lines function wordCount( val ){ var wom = val.match(/\S+/g); return { charactersNoSpaces : val.replace(/\s+/g, '').length, characte...
Stored procedures can be created through a database management GUI (SQL Server example), or through a SQL statement as follows: -- Define a name and parameters CREATE PROCEDURE Northwind.getEmployee @LastName nvarchar(50), @FirstName nvarchar(50) AS -- Define the query to be...
Simple form with labels... <form action="/login" method="POST"> <label for="username">Username:</label> <input id="username" type="text" name="username" /> <label for="pass">Pa...
Remarks Every motion can be used after an operator command, so the command operates on the text comprised by the movement's reach. Just like operator commands, motions can include a count, so you can move by 2words, for example. Arrows In Vim, normal arrow/cursor keys (←↓↑→) work as expected...
Horizontally vim -o file1.txt file2.txt Vertically vim -O file1.txt file2.txt You may optionally specify the number of splits to open. The following example opens two horizontal splits and loads file3.txt in a buffer: vim -o2 file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
You are allowed to implement custom exceptions that can be thrown just like any other exception. This makes sense when you want to make your exceptions distinguishable from other errors during runtime. In this example we will create a custom exception for clear handling of problems the application ...
In normal mode: ~ inverts the case of the character under the cursor, gu{motion} lowercases the text covered by {motion}, gU{motion} uppercases the text covered by {motion} Example (^ marks the cursor position): Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. ^ Lorem ipSum dolor sit amet. ~ Lorem...
Summary This goal is to reorganize all of your scattered commits into more meaningful commits for easier code reviews. If there are too many layers of changes across too many files at once, it is harder to do a code review. If you can reorganize your chronologically created commits into topical com...
Itertools "islice" allows you to slice a generator: results = fetch_paged_results() # returns a generator limit = 20 # Only want the first 20 results for data in itertools.islice(results, limit): print(data) Normally you cannot slice a generator: def gen(): n = 0 wh...
If your code encounters a condition it doesn't know how to handle, such as an incorrect parameter, it should raise the appropriate exception. def even_the_odds(odds): if odds % 2 != 1: raise ValueError("Did not get an odd number") return odds + 1
Use try...except: to catch exceptions. You should specify as precise an exception as you can: try: x = 5 / 0 except ZeroDivisionError as e: # `e` is the exception object print("Got a divide by zero! The exception was:", e) # handle exceptional case x = 0 final...

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