Tutorial by Examples: and

During coding, unexpected errors do arise frequently enough, which requires debugging and testing. But sometimes the errors are indeed expected and to bypass it, there is the Try..Catch..Throw..Finally..End Try block. To manage an error correctly, the code is put into a Try..Catch block, whereby th...
Support Portrait and Landscape both type of image Drawing and other subviews can be merged in my case I'm adding label to draw { CGSize fullSize = getImageForEdit.size; CGSize sizeInView = AVMakeRectWithAspectRatioInsideRect(imgViewFake.image.size, imgViewFake.bounds).size; CGFl...
One of the best Linux distributions currently for Raspberry Pi (from now on, "RPi") is Arch Linux. This web shows the installation for: RPi2. ARMv7 architecture (32 bits). RPi3. There are two options: ARMv7 architecture (32 bits) or AArch architecture (64 bits). This t...
ProGuard is a tool used in the building process to optimize and obfuscate the Java code of your APK, and also remove unused classes. The resulting APK when using ProGuard will have a smaller size and will be harder to reverse-engineer (decompilation). ProGuard can be used too in Xamarin.Android app...
You made a great app and tested it in Debug, with good results. Everything was working fine! But then, you decided to prepare your app for release. You set up MultiDex, ProGuard and Linker, and then, it stopped working. This tutorial aims to help you to find out common problems related to ProGuard...
Inspect ssl certificate openssl x509 -in server.crt -noout -text Generate server key openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048 Generate csr openssl req -out server.csr -key server.key -new
First, why do we need lxml ? lxml.etree is a generic API for XML and HTML handling. It aims for ElementTree compatibility and supports the entire XML infoset. It is well suited for both mixed content and data centric XML. Its generality makes it the best choice for most applications. The lxml libr...
Any Acumatica application developer spends a great deal of their time writing BQL code. At the same time, not everybody knows the underlying details of how BQL types work under the hood. At the heart of BQL lay two key methods: Parse() and Verify(), declared by the IBqlCreator interface. Most of th...
Here is a list of actions which can be triggered in the Midnight Commander filesystem browsing mode by using function keys on your keyboard. F1 Displays help F2 Opens user menu F3 Displays the contents of the selected file F4 Opens the selected file in the internal file editor F5 Copies th...
Midnight Commander has a built in editor which is started by F4 function key when over the desired file in the browse mode. It can also be invoked in standalone mode by executing mcedit <filename> Here is a list of actions which can be triggered in the edit mode. F1 Displays help F2 Saves ...
There are two ever-so-slightly different engines of regular expressions implemented in R. The default is called POSIX-consistent; all regex functions in R are also equipped with an option to turn on the latter type: perl = TRUE. Look-ahead/look-behind perl = TRUE enables look-ahead and look-behind...
The method of SQL generation from BQL PXSelectGroupBy<> data views has been changed in Acumatica Framework 5.2. The sections below illustrate the differences using the example of PXSelectGroupBy<FinYear, Aggregate<GroupBy<FinYear.finPeriods>>>.Select(graph): Acumatica Frame...
In the code below you can see how to add a command to your plugin. MainClass.java package yourpackage; import org.bukkit.command.Command; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin; public class MainClass extends JavaPlugin { @Override public bool...
Once you have established a connection to Redis you can get and set values using the Jedis connection object: Get String value = jedis.get(myKey); Set jedis.put(myKey, "some value");
Sometimes you want to switch off all previously registered listeners. //Adding a normal click handler $(document).on("click",function(){ console.log("Document Clicked 1") }); //Adding another click handler $(document).on("click",function(){ console.log(&q...
Note: The Redis project does not officially support Windows. However, the Microsoft Open Tech group develops and maintains this Windows port targeting Win64. Official redis.io/download You can choose to download different versions or the latest version of Redis github.com/MSOpenTech/redis/release...
All documents from students collection. > db.students.find().pretty(); { "_id" : ObjectId("58f29a694117d1b7af126dca"), "studentNo" : 1, "firstName" : "Prosen", "lastName" : "Ghosh", "age" ...
/In async.series,all the functions are executed in series and the consolidated outputs of each function is passed to the final callback. e.g/ var async = require('async'); async.series([ function (callback) { console.log('First Execute..'); callback(null, 'userPersonalData'); }, function (cal...
The andThen function allows update call composition. Can be used with the pipeline operator (|>) to chain updates. Example: You are making a document editor, and you want that each modification message you send to your document, you also save it: import Update.Extra exposing (andThen) import U...
The org.bukkit.event.EventHandler annotation accepts a couple parameters. priority - Indicates the priority of your listener. There are the six different priorities, in order of execution: LOWEST,LOW,NORMAL[default],HIGH,HIGHEST,MONITOR. These constants refer to the org.bukkit.event.EventPriority e...

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