Tutorial by Examples: al

Elm defines the following special type variables that have a particular meaning to the compiler: comparable: Comprised of Int, Float, Char, String and tuples thereof. This allows the use of the < and > operators. Example: You could define a function to find the smallest and largest eleme...
Pentaho Data Integration comes in two varieties: Community Edition (CE) - Free version for developers Enterprise Edition (EE) - Paid version for enterprise use Installation steps: You can download Pentaho Data Integration Community Edition from Sourceforge.net. For the Enterprise Editio...
Sometimes when working with linear regression we need to check for non-linearity in the data. One way to do this is to fit a polynomial model and check whether it fits the data better than a linear model. There are other reasons, such as theoretical, that indicate to fit a quadratic or higher order ...
This implementation of IDatabaseInitializer drops and recreates the database everytime your context is used in applications app domain. Beware of the data loss due to the fact, that the database is recreated. Usage: public class MyContext : DbContext { public MyContext() { Database.S...
You can create your own implementation of IDatabaseInitializer. Example implementation of an initializer, that will migrate the database to 0 and then migrate all the way to the newest migration (usefull e.g. when running integration tests). In order to do that you would need a DbMigrationsConfigur...
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MemOptimizedTemporalTable] ( [BusinessDocNo] [bigint] NOT NULL, [ProductCode] [int] NOT NULL, [UnitID] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [PriceID] [tinyint] NOT NULL, [SysStartTime] [datetime2](7) GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW START NOT NULL, [SysEndTime] [datetime2](7...
This class enables a programmer to create an object and protect its confidentiality with a cryptographic algorithm. Given any Serializable object, one can create a SealedObject that encapsulates the original object, in serialized format (i.e., a "deep copy"), and seals (encrypts) its seri...
Canvas allows you to context.translate, context.rotate and context.scale in order to draw your shape in the position & size you require. Canvas itself uses a transformation matrix to efficiently track transformations. You can change Canvas's matrix with context.transform You can change Canv...
Detailed instructions on getting windows-azure-storage set up or installed.
Plenty has been written about Python's GIL. It can sometimes cause confusion when dealing with multi-threaded (not to be confused with multiprocess) applications. Here's an example: import math from threading import Thread def calc_fact(num): math.factorial(num) num = 600000 t = Threa...
In most object oriented languages, allocating memory for an object and initializing it is an atomic operation: // Both allocates memory and calls the constructor MyClass object = new MyClass(); In Objective-C, these are separate operations. The class methods alloc (and its historic sibling allo...
There's an installation guide for running a JIRA Server under Windows or Linux / Mac ( see Installing JIRA applications) For local testing there's an SDK, which starts a JIRA test instance and can be used to develop JIRA Plugins (see Set up the Atlassian Plugin SDK and Build a Project)
Consider the following example: public final class Person { private final String firstName; private final String lastName; public Person(String firstName, String lastName) { this.firstName = (firstName == null) ? "" : firstName; this.lastName = (lastN...
Detailed instructions on getting core-bluetooth set up or installed.
To install React Router, just run the npm command npm install --save react-router And you're done. This is literally all you have to do to install react router. Please Note : react-router is dependent on react, So make sure you install react as well. To set up: using an ES6 transpiler, like bab...
There are many reasons a write operation may fail. A frequent one is because your security rules reject the operation, for example because you're not authenticated (by default a database can only be accessed by an authenticated user). You can see these security rule violations in the logcat output....
To use any Bluetooth functionality on a Universal Windows Platform app, you must check the Bluetooth capability in the Package.appxmanifest. Open Package.appxmanifest Go to the Capabilities tab Find Bluetooth on the left and check the box next to it
01 pointer-var usage POINTER. 01 character-field pic x(80) BASED value "Sample". ALLOCATE 1024 characters returning pointer-var ALLOCATE character-field ALLOCATE character-field INITIALIZED RETURNING pointer-var See http://open-cobol.sourceforge.net/faq/index.html#allo...
Sometimes you might have branches lying around that have already had their changes merged into master. This finds all branches that are not master that have no unique commits as compared to master. This is very useful for finding branches that were not deleted after the PR was merged into master. ...
It's important to handle exceptions in your service. When developing the service, you can set the WCF to provide more detailed information, adding this tag to configuration file, usually Web.config: <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true"/> This tag must be placed w...

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