Tutorial by Examples: al

Detailed instructions on getting virtualbox set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting oauth-2.0 set up or installed.
For live demo click.. App index ts import {bootstrap} from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic'; import {MyForm} from './my-form.component.ts'; bootstrap(MyForm); Custom validator import {Control} from @'angular/common'; export class CustomValidators { static emailFormat(control: Cont...
COBOL can use static linkage for the following statement. GnuCOBOL uses dynamic linkage by default for all external symbols known at compile time, even when the symbol is a literal: CALL "subprogram" USING a b c *> run a (possibly static linked) sub program ...
Downloading the Bundle: The easiest way to download the required GTK Bundle is to search and download it using this link: https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+ (GNOME GIT Repository) GNOME GIT Repository provides the bundles for different versions and you can easily find the desired version by scrolli...
To be able to use vim commands in Python, the vim module should be imported. :python import vim After having this module imported, the user has access to the command function: :python vim.command("normal iText to insert") This command would execute i in normal mode then type Text t...
In order to make a RelativeSizeSpan align to the top, a custom class can be derived from the class SuperscriptSpan. In the following example, the derived class is named TopAlignSuperscriptSpan: activity_main.xml: <TextView android:id="@+id/txtView" android:layout_width=&quot...
Add the following method to check whether an email address is valid or not: private boolean isValidEmailId(String email){ return Pattern.compile("^(([\\w-]+\\.)+[\\w-]+|([a-zA-Z]{1}|[\\w-]{2,}))@" + "((([0-1]?[0-9]{1,2}|25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9])\\.([0-1]?" ...
Docstrings are - unlike regular comments - stored as an attribute of the function they document, meaning that you can access them programmatically. An example function def func(): """This is a function that does nothing at all""" return The docstring can ...
preg_replace_callback works by sending every matched capturing group to the defined callback and replaces it with the return value of the callback. This allows us to replace strings based on any kind of logic. $subject = "He said 123abc, I said 456efg, then she said 789hij"; $regex = &q...
In [1]: import pandas as pd In order to run a query in BigQuery you need to have your own BigQuery project. We can request some public sample data: In [2]: data = pd.read_gbq('''SELECT title, id, num_characters ...: FROM [publicdata:samples.wikipedia] ...: ...
If you have created service account and have private key json file for it, you can use this file to authenticate with pandas In [5]: pd.read_gbq('''SELECT corpus, sum(word_count) words FROM [bigquery-public-data:samples.shakespeare] GROUP BY co...
The trick is to use a look-behind with the regex \G, which means "end of previous match": String[] parts = str.split("(?<=\\G.{8})"); The regex matches 8 characters after the end of the last match. Since in this case the match is zero-width, we could more simply say "...
Same as the known length example, but insert the length into regex: int length = 5; String[] parts = str.split("(?<=\\G.{" + length + "})");
The authentic Adobe PostScript interpreters are available in high-end printers, the Display PostScript (DPS) product, and the Acrobat Distiller product. As authors of the standard, these products are considered "the standard implementation" for the purpose of describing differences among P...
There different flavors of DB2. One of them is LUW: Linux, UNIX and Windows. DB2 LUW in Linux / UNIX can be installed with or without root. When installed with root, you can create different instances associating them to different users. When installing DB2 LUW without root privileges, you can ins...
Detailed instructions on getting lxml set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting titanium set up or installed.
Prepare First create a "message.properties" file in Resources/Files/. Example: ############## # Test message.properties ############## label.age=Enter your age: validate.error.reqired.age=Sorry, but you have to give away the secret of your age ... Next, connect the resource with y...
Detailed instructions on getting cdi set up or installed.

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