Tutorial by Examples: c

val emailRegex: Regex = "(.+)@(.+)\\.(.+)".r "[email protected]" match { case emailRegex(userName, domain, topDomain) => println(s"Hi $userName from $domain") case _ => println(s"This is not a valid email.") } In this example, the regex attem...
To use Leaflet, load its stylesheet and JavaScript file to your page: <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/leaflet.css" /> <script src="/js/leaflet.js"></script> These resources can be downloaded from a variety of locations such as Leaflet's homepage...
First, import the libraries that work with files: from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join, exists A helper function to read only files from a directory: def get_files(path): for file in listdir(path): full_path = join(path, file) if isfile(full_path): ...
Syntax: add_months(p_date, integer) return date; Add_months function adds amt months to p_date date. SELECT add_months(date'2015-01-12', 2) m FROM dual; M2015-03-12 You can also substract months using a negative amt SELECT add_months(date'2015-01-12', -2) m FROM dual; M2014-11-12 When the...
public static class ThreadLocalExample { private static final ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat> format = ThreadLocal.withInitial(() -> new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd_HHmm")); public String formatDate(Date date) { return format.get().format(date); ...
Java ThreadLocal is used to create thread local variables. It is known that threads of an Object share it’s variables, so the variable is not thread safe. We can use synchronization for thread safety but if we want to avoid synchronization,ThreadLocal allows us to create variables which are local to...
PHP has great official documentation already at http://php.net/manual/. The PHP Manual documents pretty much all language features, the core libraries and most available extensions. There are plenty of examples to learn from. The PHP Manual is available in multiple languages and formats. Best of al...
If you need to call an Objective-C method from C code, you have two ways: using objc_msgSend, or obtaining the IMP (method implementation function pointer) and calling that. #import <objc/objc.h> @implementation Example - (double)negate:(double)value { return -value; } - (doubl...
// *** Find movies except given ids *** NSPredicate *filterByNotInIds = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT (self.id IN %@)",@[@"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB79", @"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB76"]]; NSLog(@"Filter movies except given Ids : %@"...
// *** Find all the objects which is of type movie, Both the syntax are valid *** NSPredicate *filterByMovieType = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self.isMovie = %@",@1]; // OR //NSPredicate *filterByMovieType = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self.isMovie = %@",[NSNumbe...
// *** Find Distinct object ids of array *** NSLog(@"Distinct id : %@",[array valueForKeyPath:@"@distinctUnionOfObjects.id"]);
// *** Find movies with specific ids *** NSPredicate *filterByIds = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self.id IN %@",@[@"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB79", @"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB76"]]; NSLog(@"Filter By Ids : %@",[array filteredArrayUsingP...
// *** Case Insensitive comparison with exact title match *** NSPredicate *filterByNameCIS = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self.title LIKE[cd] %@",@"Tom and Jerry"]; NSLog(@"Filter By Name(CIS) : %@",[array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:filterByNameCIS]);
// *** Case sensitive with exact title match *** NSPredicate *filterByNameCS = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self.title = %@",@"Tom and Jerry"]; NSLog(@"Filter By Name(CS) : %@",[array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:filterByNameCS]);
// *** Case Insensitive comparison with matching subset *** NSPredicate *filterByName = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self.title CONTAINS[cd] %@",@"Tom"]; NSLog(@"Filter By Containing Name : %@",[array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:filterByName]);
There are times in which it is desirable to consolidate factor levels into fewer groups, perhaps because of sparse data in one of the categories. It may also occur when you have varying spellings or capitalization of the category names. Consider as an example the factor set.seed(1) colorful <...
C++17 C++17 introduces std::string_view, which is simply a non-owning range of const chars, implementable as either a pair of pointers or a pointer and a length. It is a superior parameter type for functions that requires non-modifiable string data. Before C++17, there were three options for this: ...
NSString *pathToPlist = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"plistName" ofType:@"plist"]; NSDictionary *plistDict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:pathToPlist];
It is usually not a good idea to mix signed and unsigned integers in arithmetic operations. For example, what will be output of following example? #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { unsigned int a = 1000; signed int b = -1; if (a > b) puts("a is more than b&quot...
public bool IsTypeNullable<T>() { return Nullable.GetUnderlyingType( typeof(T) )!=null; }

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