Tutorial by Examples: al

In this iText 7 example, we will create a Hello World example in different languages, using different fonts: public void createPdf(String dest) throws IOException { PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(dest)); try (Document document = new Document(pdf)) { PdfFont fon...
Requirements: PHP 5.6.0 or greater mbstring PHP extension (default works in WAMP/XAMPP, if not then enable it) intl PHP extension (Available in WAMP/XAMPP, you have to enable it from php.ini) CakePHP will run on a variety of web servers such as nginx, LightHTTPD, or Microsoft IIS. Befor...
Detailed instructions on getting artificial-intelligence set up or installed.
To prevent memory leaks, one should not forget to close an input stream or an output stream whose job is done. This is usually done with a try-catch-finally statement without the catch part: void writeNullBytesToAFile(int count, String filename) throws IOException { FileOutputStream out = null...
Using redux directly with react might seem little difficult, As for every component you want to update when store changes, you have to subscribe that component to the redux store React Redux takes care of all these and makes it really easy to write components that can request the data it needs from...
As seen in previous examples, basic use of this script is: python setup.py install But there is even more options, like installing the package and have the possibility to change the code and test it without having to re-install it. This is done using: python setup.py develop If you want to p...
Detailed instructions on getting promise set up or installed.
GET your REST data and store in a PowerShell object: $Post = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1" Modify your data: $Post.title = "New Title" PUT the REST data back $Json = $Post | ConvertTo-Json Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri "h...
We can use the [] to create an empty Array in Julia. The simplest example would be: A = [] # 0-element Array{Any,1} Arrays of type Any will generally not perform as well as those with a specified type. Thus, for instance, we can use: B = Float64[] ## 0-element Array{Float64,1} C = Array{Flo...
In Julia, as in many other languages, it is possible to interpolate by inserting values defined by variables into strings. For a simple example: n = 2 julia> MyString = "there are $n ducks" "there are 2 ducks" We can use other types than numeric, e.g. Result = false j...
Detailed instructions on getting wso2is set up or installed.
There are a number of useful web resources that can help further your knowledge of expressions in Julia. These include: Julia Docs - Metaprogramming Wikibooks - Julia Metaprogramming Julia’s macros, expressions, etc. for and by the confused, by Gray Calhoun Month of Julia - Metaprogramming, b...
ALTER SCHEMA dvr TRANSFER dbo.tbl_Staging; GO This would transfer the tbl_Staging table from the dbo schema to the dvr schema
jmp a_label ;Jump to a_label jmp bx ;Jump to address in BX jmp WORD [aPointer] ;Jump to address in aPointer jmp 7c0h:0000h ;Jump to segment 7c0h and offset 0000h jmp FAR WORD [aFarPointer] ;Jump to segment:offset...
Based on the state of the flags the CPU can either execute or ignore a jump. An instruction that performs a jump based on the flags falls under the generic name of Jcc - Jump on Condition Code1. Synonyms and terminology In order to improve the readability of the assembly code, Intel defined severa...
This example will wake up every Application Processor (AP) and make them, along with the Bootstrap Processor (BSP), display their LAPIC ID. ; Assemble boot sector and insert it into a 1.44MiB floppy image ; ; nasm -f bin boot.asm -o boot.bin ; dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img bs=512 count=2880 ; dd ...
Listed in order of precedence: TokenName              Description^ExponentiationReturn the result of raising the left-hand operand to the power of the right-hand operand. Note that the value returned by exponentiation is always a Double, regardless of the value types being divided. Any coercion of...
All of the logical operators in VBA can be thought of as "overrides" of the bitwise operators of the same name. Technically, they are always treated as bitwise operators. All of the comparison operators in VBA return a Boolean, which will always have none of its bits set (False) or all of...
Postscript is a dynamic-namespacing or LISP 1 language. But it provides the tools to implement local variables in procedures and other effects needed to implement algorithms. For local names in a procedure, make a new dictionary at the start and pop it at the end. /myproc { 10 dict begin ...

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