Tutorial by Examples: al

SASS's optional arguments let you use a parameter only if you specify its value; otherwise, it will be ignored. Let's take an example of the following mixin: @mixin galerie-thumbnail ($img-height:14em, $img-width: null) { width: $img-width; height: $img-height; outline: 1px solid li...
Use the value binding to obtain the value of an element. The value binding can be applied to any form control, however there are other bindings that may be better suited for checkboxes, radio buttons, and text inputs. The following example illustrates how to apply the binding element to several for...
By Creating Custom Progress Dialog class, the dialog can be used to show in UI instance, without recreating the dialog. First Create a Custom Progress Dialog Class. CustomProgress.java public class CustomProgress { public static CustomProgress customProgress = null; private Dialog m...
All instances (objects) of an entity class can be loaded from the underlying database table as follows (akin to retrieving all rows from the table): Iterable<Foo> foos = fooRepository.findAll(); The findAll method is provided by the CrudRepository interface. It returns an Iterable instead ...
All instances of an entity class with one of the class attributes matching a specified value can be retrieved as follows: public interface FooRepository extends CrudRepository<Foo, Long> { List<Foo> findAllByName(String name); } Invoking the findAllByName method results in the JP...
Now that you know how to connect with Redis from Node.js, let’s see how to store key-value pairs in Redis storage. Storing Strings All the Redis commands are exposed as different functions on the client object. To store a simple string use the following syntax: client.set('framework', 'Angula...
ICU(International Components for Unicode) can be installed as a library for the following languages: Java: ICU4J C/C++: ICU4C Python: pyICU Perl: Wrappers for ICU (PICU) C#: ICU-dotnet Erlang: icu4e Ruby: ffi-icu Haskell: text-icu Lua: ICU4Lua Here is a series of installion steps for a...
Prolog features exceptions, which are part of the Prolog ISO standard. An exception can be thrown with throw/1, and caught with catch/3. The ISO standard defines many cases in which errors must or may be thrown. The standardized exceptions are all of the form error(E,_), where E indicates the erro...
Detailed instructions on getting raphael set up or installed.
Given a text txt and a pattern pat, the objective of this program will be to print all the occurance of pat in txt. Examples: Input: txt[] = "THIS IS A TEST TEXT" pat[] = "TEST" output: Pattern found at index 10 Input: txt[] = "AABAACAADAABAAABAA" ...
// 1.0 function beforeLoad(type, form, request) { nlapiLogExecution("DEBUG", "Before Load", "type=" + type); } // 2.0 /** * @NApiVersion 2.x * @NScriptType UserEventScript * @NModuleScope SameAccount */ define(["N/log"], function (log) { ...
It's not the best way of iterating through the pixels; however, it's better than cv::Mat::at<T>. Let's assume you have a color image in your folder and you want to iterate each pixels of this image and erase green and red channels(Note that this is an example, you can do this in more optimize...
For Visual Studio [NuGet]: The easiest way of installing PhantomJS is by using a NuGet Package Manager. In your project, right click "References", and click on "Manage NuGet Packages" as shown: Then, type "PhantomJS" to the search bar, select it and install it as s...
This example shows how to validate forms in Spring MVC using Bean Validation API using Java Annotations, without any xml. User will be proposed to input their registration data and validator will check it for validity. Add Dependencies First of all add the following dependencies in your project: ...
Usage to list all folders and files in the current directory: dir A target directory can also be specified: dir C:\TargetPath When specifying a path with spaces, it must be surrounded by quotes: dir "C:\Path With Spaces"
First, add the following permissions to the manifest of your project in order to enable device storage access: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> ...
/** * Magento * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php * If y...
PHPUnit has two assertions to check values of class properties: assertAttributeSame($expected, $actualAttributeName, $actualClassOrObject, $message = '') assertAttributeNotSame($expected, $actualAttributeName, $actualClassOrObject, $message = '') These methods will check the value of a object p...
Since Sphinx is available on the Python Package Index, it can be installed using pip: pip install Sphinx or you can also install using easy_install easy_install -U sphinx Then you can check that it has been correctly installed by executing the following command: > sphinx-quickstart --ver...
Before proceeding, it is recommended to have a brief idea about Adjacency Matrix and BFS Dijkstra's algorithm is known as single-source shortest path algorithm. It is used for finding the shortest paths between nodes in a graph, which may represent, for example, road networks. It was conceived by E...

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