Tutorial by Examples: al

Go to Providers > ApplicationOAuthProvider.cs and edit the ValidateClientRedirectUri function. This was a big gotcha to me, as if you don't do this there'll be a fantastically unhelpful error message. By default, this code will make any callbacks to your site invalid unless they're to the site's ...
Detailed instructions on getting systemjs set up or installed.
app.module.ts Add these into your app.module.ts file to use reactive forms import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms'; import { AppComponent } from './app.comp...
Detailed instructions on getting swig set up or installed.
The WMI Framework Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is included in all modern versions of Windows and Windows Server. Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) CORE 1.5 was once available from Microsoft to install WMI on computers running Windows 95/98 or Windows NT 4.0. Even though all Wind...
There are three equality operators: ==, ===, and isequal. (The last is not really an operator, but it is a function and all operators are functions.) When to use == == is value equality. It returns true when two objects represent, in their present state, the same value. For instance, it is obviou...
Detailed instructions on getting tcpdf set up or installed.
using System; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; public class PasswordDerivedBytesExample { public static void Main(String[] args) { // Get a password from the user. Console.WriteLine("Enter a password to produce a key:"); by...
(Note: There are many IDE, toolchain and library which are ready-to-use with STM32. The following setup requires minimal effort to get it work, but it is only one of the many. Feel free to explore others, it is not the purpose of this example to force anyone to use the tools that will be used here.)...
Registration in AppDelegate import UserNotifications in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method, UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.alert,.sound,.badge]) { (granted, error) in // Here you can check Request is Granted or not. } Create and Schedule notificat...
Sliding window algorithm is used to perform required operation on specific window size of given large buffer or array. Window starts from the 1st element and keeps shifting right by one element. The objective is to find the minimum k numbers present in each window. This is commonly know as Sliding w...
public class SlidingWindow { public static int[] MaxSlidingWindow(int[] input, int k) { int[] result = new int[input.Length - k + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= input.Length - k; i++) { var max = input[i]; for (int j = 1; j < k; j++) ...
Logical operators in VFP, in their order of precedence are: OperatorDescription( )Parentheses, groups expressionsNOT, !Logically negate the expression. NOT or ! has no difference.ANDLogically AND the expressionsORLogically OR the expressions<>, !=, #Check for inequality. Thus same as logical ...
The hard part is over! Now just create the credentials to be used in Jenkins. Use your own Username and the passphrase used to create the SSH Key. This is what it should look like now (with your own private github repo and user name:
Many widgets include events which can fire callback functions when the user interacts with the widget. For example when a button is pressed, a checkbox checked, or a dropdown chosen you can fire a function. The exact flag which is associated with these event depends on the widget, but a typical cal...
[![Sample equation][1]][1] sympy provides its solution as a Python set of expressions in terms of parametric variables, as shown here in the final line. >>> from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diophantine >>> from sympy import var >>> x,y,z=var('x y z') >>>...
You can enable/disable ajax and client validations in active form. $form = ActiveForm::begin([ 'id' => 'signup-form', 'enableClientValidation' => true, 'enableAjaxValidation' => true, 'validationUrl' => Url::to('signup'), ]); enableClientValidation is by defaul...
Swift Import the Core Motion library: import CoreMotion Next, we need to create a CMAltimeter object, but a common pitfall is to create it in the viewDidLoad(). If done that way, the altimeter won’t be accessible when we need to call a method on it. Nevertheless, go ahead and create your CMAlti...
v8 uses the Google depot_tools for getting the source and building the library. To install depot_tools, follow the instructions here: https://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/install-depot-tools Get the v8 source by running /path/to/depot_tools/fetch v8 After running this command, to pull ...
Detailed instructions on getting CentOS 7 installation and basic set up for starting on. Download latest CentOS .ISO - https://www.centos.org/download/ After downloading the last version of CentOS using above links or using official CentOS download page. Burn it to a DVD or create a bootable USB...

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