Tutorial by Examples

To share your code you create a repository on a remote server to which you will copy your local repository. To minimize the use of space on the remote server you create a bare repository: one which has only the .git objects and doesn't create a working copy in the filesystem. As a bonus you set thi...
If there are sections of code that you are considering removing or want to temporarily disable, you can comment it out with a block comment. /* Block comment around whole function to keep it from getting used. * What's even the purpose of this function? int myUnusedFunction(void) { int i =...
Let's say we have the following structure: struct MY_STRUCT { int my_int; float my_float; }; We can define MY_STRUCT to omit the struct keyword so we don't have to type struct MY_STRUCT each time we use it. This, however, is optional. typedef struct MY_STRUCT MY_STRUCT; If we th...
If MsgBox("Click OK") = vbOK Then can be used in place of If MsgBox("Click OK") = 1 Then in order to improve readability. Use Object Browser to find available VB constants. View → Object Browser or F2 from VB Editor. Enter class to search View members available ...
Descriptive names and structure in your code help make comments unnecessary Dim ductWidth As Double Dim ductHeight As Double Dim ductArea As Double ductArea = ductWidth * ductHeight is better than Dim a, w, h a = w * h This is especially helpful when you are copying data from one ...
Good error handling prevents end users from seeing VBA runtime errors and helps the developer easily diagnose and correct errors. There are three main methods of Error Handling in VBA, two of which should be avoided for distributed programs unless specifically required in the code. On Error GoTo 0...
Let's define a function of 2 arguments: def add: (Int, Int) => Int = (x,y) => x + y val three = add(1,2) Currying add transforms it into a function that takes one Int and returns a function (from one Int to an Int) val addCurried: (Int) => (Int => Int) = add2.curried // ...
The .GetValueOrDefault() method returns a value even if the .HasValue property is false (unlike the Value property, which throws an exception). class Program { static void Main() { int? nullableExample = null; int result = nullableExample.GetValueOrDefault(); C...
When filtering an email address filter_var() will return the filtered data, in this case the email address, or false if a valid email address cannot be found: var_dump(filter_var('[email protected]', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)); var_dump(filter_var('notValidEmail', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)); Results: ...
When filtering a value that should be an integer filter_var() will return the filtered data, in this case the integer, or false if the value is not an integer. Floats are not integers: var_dump(filter_var('10', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)); var_dump(filter_var('a10', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)); var_dump(filt...
When validating that an integer falls in a range the check includes the minimum and maximum bounds: $options = array( 'options' => array( 'min_range' => 5, 'max_range' => 10, ) ); var_dump(filter_var('5', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, $options)); var_dump(filter_var('...
When filtering a URL filter_var() will return the filtered data, in this case the URL, or false if a valid URL cannot be found: URL: example.com var_dump(filter_var('example.com', FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)); var_dump(filter_var('example.com', FILTER_VALIDATE_URL, FILTER_FLAG_SCHEME_REQUIRED)); var_du...
There are two ways you can bind a GridView. You can either manually do it by setting the DataSource property and calling DataBind(), or you can use a DataSourceControl such as a SqlDataSource. Manual Binding Create your GridView: <asp:GridView ID="gvColors" runat="server"&g...
In PHP 5.3+ and above you can utilize late static binding to control which class a static property or method is called from. It was added to overcome the problem inherent with the self:: scope resolutor. Take the following code class Horse { public static function whatToSay() { echo ...
C++11 C++11 introduces two new special member functions: the move constructor and the move assignment operator. For all the same reasons that you want to follow the Rule of Three in C++03, you usually want to follow the Rule of Five in C++11: If a class requires ONE of five special member functions...
C++11 We can combine the principles of the Rule of Five and RAII to get a much leaner interface: the Rule of Zero: any resource that needs to be managed should be in its own type. That type would have to follow the Rule of Five, but all users of that resource do not need to write any of the five sp...
const auto input = "Some people, when confronted with a problem, think \"I know, I'll use regular expressions.\""s; smatch sm; cout << input << endl; // If input ends in a quotation that contains a word that begins with "reg" and another word begining...
This code takes in various brace styles and converts them to One True Brace Style: const auto input = "if (KnR)\n\tfoo();\nif (spaces) {\n foo();\n}\nif (allman)\n{\n\tfoo();\n}\nif (horstmann)\n{\tfoo();\n}\nif (pico)\n{\tfoo(); }\nif (whitesmiths)\n\t{\n\tfoo();\n\t}\n"s; cout &lt...
A std::regex_token_iterator provides a tremendous tool for extracting elements of a Comma Separated Value file. Aside from the advantages of iteration, this iterator is also able to capture escaped commas where other methods struggle: const auto input = "please split,this,csv, ,line,\\,\n&quot...
When processing of captures has to be done iteratively a regex_iterator is a good choice. Dereferencing a regex_iterator returns a match_result. This is great for conditional captures or captures which have interdependence. Let's say that we want to tokenize some C++ code. Given: enum TOKENS { ...

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