Tutorial by Examples: al

Detailed instructions on getting javafx-8 set up or installed.
An example of defining a hash table and accessing a value by the key $hashTable = @{ Key1 = 'Value1' Key2 = 'Value2' } $hashTable.Key1 #output Value1 An example of accessing a key with invalid characters for a property name: $hashTable = @{ 'Key 1' = 'Value3' Key2 = 'Val...
An example, to add a "Key2" key with a value of "Value2" to the hash table, using the addition operator: $hashTable = @{ Key1 = 'Value1' } $hashTable += @{Key2 = 'Value2'} $hashTable #Output Name Value ---- -----...
Parallel extensions have been introduced along with the Task Parallel Library to achieve data Parallelism. Data parallelism refers to scenarios in which the same operation is performed concurrently (that is, in parallel) on elements in a source collection or array. The .NET provides new constructs t...
When you execute scala in a terminal without additional parameters it opens up a REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) interpreter: nford:~ $ scala Welcome to Scala 2.11.8 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_66). Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help. scala> The REPL allows ...
DescriptionCodeAssign immutable int valueval x = 3Assign mutable int valuevar x = 3Assign immutable value with explicit typeval x: Int = 27Assign lazily evaluated valuelazy val y = print("Sleeping in.")Bind a function to a nameval f = (x: Int) => x * xBind a function to a name with expl...
The Vector3 structure contains some static variables that provide commonly used Vector3 values. Most represent a direction, but they can still be used creatively to provide additional functionality. Vector3.zero and Vector3.one Vector3.zero and Vector3.one are typically used in connection to a...
Laravel Socialite provides an expressive, fluent interface to OAuth authentication with Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, GitHub and Bitbucket. It handles almost all of the boilerplate social authentication code you are dreading writing. Read more about this here
The code below calculates the value of PI using a recursive approach. Modify the MAX_PARALLEL_RECURSIVE_LEVEL value to determine at which recursion depth stop creating tasks. With this approach to create parallelism out of recursive applications: the more tasks you create, the more parallel tasks cr...
Detailed instructions on getting sonata-admin set up or installed.
Probably the easiest choice, but beware, the version is not always the newest one. Just open up terminal and type (depending on your distribution) in Debian or Ubuntu using apt $> sudo apt install ruby in CentOS, openSUSE or Fedora $> sudo yum install ruby You can use the -y option so...
Probably the easies way to set up ruby on windows is to go to http://rubyinstaller.org/ and from there donwload an executable that you will install. You don't have to set almost anything, but there will be one important window. It will have a check box saying Add ruby executable to your PATH. Confi...
First UC in the example Gems $> gem install nokogiri can have a problem installing gems because we don't have the permissions for it. This can be sorted out in more then just one way. First UC solution a: U can use sudo. This will install the gem for all the users. This method should be frowne...
Add the autodoc module in the extensions list present in the conf.py file at the root of your documentation: extensions = [ 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', ... ]
Detailed instructions on getting uikit set up or installed.
A simple multiwindow example using signals and slots. There is a MainWindow class that controls the Main Window view. A second window controlled by Website class. The two classes are connected so that when you click a button on the Website window something happens in the MainWindow (a text label i...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Hello, world!</title> </head> <body> message:"rendered view with ejs" </body> </html>
Detailed instructions on getting arraylist set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting Flash set up or installed.
We now illustrate the functions dbinom,pbinom,qbinom and rbinom defined for Binomial distribution. The dbinom() function gives the probabilities for various values of the binomial variable. Minimally it requires three arguments. The first argument for this function must be a vector of quantiles(the...

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