Tutorial by Examples: c

Same conditions, multiple scripts If you need to inject multiple files with all other conditions being the same, for example to include a library, you can list all of them in the "js" array: "content_scripts" : [ { "js": ["library.js", "conten...
There are two basic styles of type conversion in Go: // Simple type conversion var x := Foo{} // x is of type Foo var y := (Bar)Foo // y is of type Bar, unless Foo cannot be cast to Bar, then compile-time error occurs. // Extended type conversion var z,ok := x.(Bar) // z is of type Bar, o...
As Go uses implicit interface implementation, you will not get a compile-time error if your struct does not implement an interface you had intended to implement. You can test the implementation explicitly using type casting: type MyInterface interface { Thing() } type MyImplementer struct {} ...
First action to take is to create a new project File > New > Project. Here Single View Application is selected, but you can choose the one that fits your project the best. The next step in setup of core data is adding the information to your project. The important part in the photo below is...
First it is important to understand that the Core Data Model is the *.xcdatamodeld file. You will notice you have not entities. You will have to create one yourself. At the bottom of Xcode you will notice a button that says "Add Entity" click it and you will have a new entity in the ...
Relationships are relationship between entities that can be one-to-one or one-to-many. Creating a relationship is not needed to use Core Data.
The Set object lets you store unique values of any type, whether primitive values or object references. You can push items into a set and iterate them similar to a plain JavaScript array, but unlike array, you cannot add a value to a Set if the value already exist in it. To create a new set: cons...
To check if a given value exists in a set, use .has() method: mySet.has(someVal); Will return true if someVal appears in the set, false otherwise.
One is able to nest one exception / try catch block inside the other. This way one can manage small blocks of code which are capable of working without disrupting your whole mechanism. try { //some code here try { //some thing which throws an exception. For Eg : divide by 0 ...
Hibernate has some strategies of inheritance. The JOINED inheritance type do a JOIN between the child entity and parent entity. The problem with this approach is that Hibernate always bring the data of all involved tables in the inheritance. Per example, if you have the entities Bicycle and Mounta...
use std::fs::File; use std::io::Read; fn read_a_file() -> std::io::Result<Vec<u8>> { let mut file = try!(File::open("example.data")); let mut data = Vec::new(); try!(file.read_to_end(&mut data)); return Ok(data); } std::io::Result<T>...
1) Form Request Validation You may create a "form request" which can hold the authorization logic, validation rules, and error messages for a particular request in your application. The make:request Artisan CLI command generates the class and places it in the app/Http/Requests director...
public class MainApplication extends Application { private static Context context; //application context private Handler mainThreadHandler; private Toast toast; public Handler getMainThreadHandler() { if (mainThreadHandler == null) { mainThreadHand...
Onsen UI is an open-source framework that helps you build hybrid apps with native like performance. It can be used along with several well known JavaScript frameworks such as AngularJS (1 & 2), ReactJS and jQuery. Loading OnsenUI in a project is as easy as writing some standard tags of HTML in ...
One common use for the FOR XML function is to concatenate the values of multiple rows. Here's an example using the Customers table: SELECT STUFF( (SELECT ';' + Email FROM Customers where (Email is not null and Email <> '') ORDER BY Email ASC FOR XM...
Install npm install ts-loader --save-dev Basic webpack.config.js webpack 2.x, 3.x module.exports = { resolve: { extensions: ['.ts', '.tsx', '.js'] }, module: { rules: [ { // Set up ts-loader for .ts/.tsx files and exclude any impor...
Sometimes we have to resize a UILabel based on dynamic content where the text length is unknown. In this example, width of the UILabel is fixed at 280 points and the height is infinite, lets say 9999. Estimating the frame with respect to the text style and maximumLabelSize. Objective-C UILabel * l...
Circle To create a circle, define an element with an equal width and height (a square) and then set the border-radius property of this element to 50%. HTML <div class="circle"></div> CSS .circle { width: 50px; height: 50px; background: rgb(246, 156, 85); ...
DROP PROCEDURE if exists displayNext100WithName; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE displayNext100WithName ( nStart int, tblName varchar(100) ) BEGIN DECLARE thesql varchar(500); -- holds the constructed sql string to execute -- expands the sizing of the output buffer to accomoda...
A closure can be defined with a typealias. This provides a convenient type placeholder if the same closure signature is used in multiple places. For example, common network request callbacks or user interface event handlers make great candidates for being "named" with a type alias. public...

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