Tutorial by Examples

You can choose between major distributions of LaTeX: TeX Live (Windows, Linux, and OS X), the standard, cross-platform distribution. MacTeX (Mac) A packaged version of TeX Live made for OS X with some Mac-specific tools MiKTeX (Windows) A separate distribution entirely that All distributions...
If a covariant type appears as an output, the containing type is covariant. Producing a producer of Ts is like producing Ts. interface IReturnCovariant<out T> { IEnumerable<T> GetTs(); } If a contravariant type appears as an output, the containing type is contravariant. Produc...
With ASP.NET Core 1.0, the MVC and Web API framework have been merged into one framework called ASP.NET Core MVC. This is a good thing, since MVC and Web API share a lot of functionality, yet there always were subtle differences and code duplication. However, merging these two into framework one ...
In Scala operators (such as +, -, *, ++, etc.) are just methods. For instance, 1 + 2 can be written as 1.+(2). These sorts of methods are called 'infix operators'. This means custom methods can be defined on your own types, reusing these operators: class Matrix(rows: Int, cols: Int, val data: Seq[...
To make a custom pipe available application wide, During application bootstrap, extending PLATFORM_PIPES. import { bootstrap } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic'; import { provide, PLATFORM_PIPES } from '@angular/core'; import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; import { MyPipe }...
Detailed instructions on getting WSO2 set up or installed. Almost all the WSO2 Products can be started using the wso2server.sh/bat files that can be found in the <Product_Home>/bin folder of each product. When you run the sh/bat script it will star the particular WSO2 product with default set...
The case modifier causes the Scala compiler to automatically generate common boilerplate code for the class. Implementing this code manually is tedious and a source of errors. The following case class definition: case class Person(name: String, age: Int) ... will have the following code automati...
The use of null values is strongly discouraged, unless interacting with legacy Java code that expects null. Instead, Option should be used when the result of a function might either be something (Some) or nothing (None). A try-catch block is more appropriate for error-handling, but if the function ...
There are several ways to format and get a string as a result. The .NET way is by using String.Format or StringBuilder.AppendFormat: open System open System.Text let hello = String.Format ("Hello {0}", "World") // return a string with "Hello World" let builder...
Sometimes when you make a game you need to create and destroy a lot of objects of the same type over and over again. You can simply do this by making a prefab and instantiate/destroy this whenever you need to, however, doing this is inefficient and can slow your game down. One way to get around thi...
A topological ordering, or a topological sort, orders the vertices in a directed acyclic graph on a line, i.e. in a list, such that all directed edges go from left to right. Such an ordering cannot exist if the graph contains a directed cycle because there is no way that you can keep going right ...
Detailed instructions on getting magento2 set up or installed.
F|forbidden Similar to Deny, this flag forces the server to immediately return a 403 Forbidden status code to the requesting browser or client for the request. Example: Deny access to requests that end with exe: RewriteRule .exe$ - [F] G|gone If a requested resource was available in the past,...
Unity works with hierarchies in order to keep your project organized. You can assign objects a place in the hierarchy using the editor but you can also do this through code. Parenting You can set an object's parent with the following methods var other = GetOtherGameObject(); other.transform.Se...
append([], Bs, Bs). append([A|As], Bs, [A|Cs]) :- append(As, Bs, Cs). append/3 is one of the most well-known Prolog relations. It defines a relation between three arguments and is true if the third argument is a list that denotes the concatenation of the lists that are specified in the firs...
CLP(FD) constraints are provided by all serious Prolog implementations. They allow us to reason about integers in a pure way. ?- X #= 1 + 2. X = 3. ?- 5 #= Y + 2. Y = 3.
CLP(Q) implements reasoning over rational numbers. Example: ?- { 5/6 = X/2 + 1/3 }. X = 1.
Prolog itself can be considered as CLP(H): Constraint Logic Programming over Herbrand terms. With this perspective, a Prolog program posts constraints over terms. For example: ?- X = f(Y), Y = a. X = f(a), Y = a.
emptyList = [] singletonList = [0] -- = 0 : [] listOfNums = [1, 2, 3] -- = 1 : 2 : [3] listOfStrings = ["A", "B", "C"]

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