Tutorial by Examples: ect

Download and install Xamarin Studio Community. Open Xamarin Studio. Click File → New → Solution. Click .NET → Console Project and choose C#. Click Next to proceed. Enter the Project Name and Browse... for a Location to Save and then click Create. The newly created project w...
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <rect x="10" y="10" width="50" height="100" stroke="black" stroke-width="5" fill="none" /> </svg> R...
The width and height attributes designate the dimensions of the rectangle. These values are in pixels by default The fill value sets the color for the rectangle. If no value for fill is specified, black is used by default <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="h...
Throughout this example it is assumed that the 'root' object that is being serialized to JSON is an instance of the following class : public class MyJson { }   Example 1 : An example of an instance of MyJson, as is: {} i.e. since the class has no fields, only curly brackets are serialized...
If you are working with vectors or lines you will at some stage want to get the direction of a vector, or line. Or the direction from a point to another point. Math.atan(yComponent, xComponent) return the angle in radius within the range of -Math.PI to Math.PI (-180 to 180 deg) Direction of a vect...
If you have a vector in polar form (direction & distance) you will want to convert it to a cartesian vector with a x and y component. For referance the screen coordinate system has directions as 0 deg points from left to right, 90 (PI/2) point down the screen, and so on in a clock wise direction...
There are cases, where custom objects need to be created and defined in the resources of the application. Such objects can be composed of Java simple types, for example Integer, Float, String. Here is the example of how to import an object defined in application resources. The object Category cons...
// Example of std::vector as an expanding dynamic size array. #include <algorithm> // std::sort #include <iostream> #include <vector> // std::vector using namespace std; int int_from( std::istream& in ) { int x = 0; in >> x; return x; } ...
Unfortunately as of C++14 there's no dynamic size matrix class in the C++ standard library. Matrix classes that support dynamic size are however available from a number of 3rd party libraries, including the Boost Matrix library (a sub-library within the Boost library). If you don't want a dependenc...
All collection objects contain a map method that takes a Function as an argument, which must take a single argument. This returns an Iterable backed by the collection. When the Iterable is iterated, each step calls the function with a new element of the collection, and the result of the call becomes...
You will often need to access instances of classes from the framework itself (like the WSClient, or the Configuration). You can inject them in your own classes : class ComplexService @Inject()( configuration: Configuration, wsClient: WSClient, applicationLifecycle: ApplicationLifecycle, ...
Whatever you do to customize Vim, it should NEVER happen outside of $HOME: on Linux, BSD and Cygwin, $HOME is usually /home/username/, on Mac OS X, $HOME is /Users/username/, on Windows, $HOME is usually C:\Users\username\. The canonical location for your vimrc and your vim directory is at ...
docker inspect <image> The output is in JSON format. You can use jq command line utility to parse and print only the desired keys. docker inspect <image> | jq -r '.[0].Author' The above command will shows author name of the images.
This bidirectional mapping requires the mappedBy attribute on the OneToMany association and the inversedBy attribute on the ManyToOne association. A bidirectional relationship has both an owning and inverse side. OneToMany relationships can use join tables, so you have to specify an owning side. Th...
The @if control directive evaluates a given expression and if it returns anything other than false, it processes its block of styles. Sass Example $test-variable: true !default =test-mixin @if $test-variable display: block @else display: none .test-selector +test-mixin ...
If you want to convert the content of a part into a domain object (e.g. a User or Account or Address), then the process is very simple: It is possible to upload multiple parts, each with a different name. For each part name, you will need one parameter annotated with @RequestPart, whose name matche...
A custom control does not have to limit itself to trivial things like primitives; it can edit more interesting things. Here we present two types of custom controls, one for editing persons and one for editing addresses. The address control is used to edit the person's address. An example of usage wo...
' sample data Dim sample = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ' using "query syntax" Dim squares = From number In sample Select number * number ' same thing using "method syntax" Dim squares = sample.Select (Function (number) number * number) We can project multiple result at once too ...
SleekXMPP (Python) import sleekxmpp client = sleekxmpp.Client("[email protected]", "password") client.connect() client.process(blocking=False) client.send_message(mto="[email protected]", mbody=self.msg) Smack (Java / Android) XMPPTCPConnection connectio...
The first thing you need to know when structuring your apps is that the Meteor tool has some directories that are hard-coded with specific logic. At a very basic level, the following directories are "baked in" the Meteor bundler. client/ # client applicati...

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