Tutorial by Examples: c

Preliminary Install the Cordova cli tools, if you haven't already. $ npm install -g cordova Navigate to your desired working folder. $ cd /path/to/coding/folder Creating the application Create a new application $ cordova create <appProjectName> <appNameSpace> <appName> For ...
Behaviours are a list of functions specifications that another module can implement. They are similar to interfaces in other languages. Here’s an example behaviour: defmodule Parser do @callback parse(String.t) :: any @callback extensions() :: [String.t] end And a module that implements ...
Create a group of checkboxes that can be used to toggle multiple choices independently. The server will receive the input as a character vector of the selected values. library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( checkboxGroupInput("checkGroup1", label = h3("This is a Checkbox group&...
Types can represents various kind of things. It can be a single data, a set of data or a function. In F#, we can group the types into two categories.: F# types: // Functions let a = fun c -> c // Tuples let b = (0, "Foo") // Unit type let c = ignore // Records...
In order to ssh into a server your identity's public key has to be added to the list of trusted keys. Most commonly this is done per-user: ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/<identity>.pub <user>@<hostname> Which can be also done manually: cat ~/.ssh/<identity>.pub | ssh <user>...
Coming from imperative languages many developers wonder how to write a for-loop that exits early as F# doesn't support break, continue or return. The answer in F# is to use tail-recursion which is a flexible and idiomatic way to iterate while still providing excellent performance. Say we want to ...
Many people don't make use of file.path when making path to a file. But if you are working across Windows, Mac and Linux machines it's usually good practice to use it for making paths instead of paste. FilePath <- file.path(AVariableWithFullProjectPath,"SomeSubfolder","SomeFileNam...
The following function is returning another function as its result which can be later assigned to a variable and called: func jediTrainer () -> ((String, Int) -> String) { func train(name: String, times: Int) -> (String) { return "\(name) has been trained in the Force \(times)...
Every function has its own function type, made up of the parameter types and the return type of the function itself. For example the following function: func sum(x: Int, y: Int) -> (result: Int) { return x + y } has a function type of: (Int, Int) -> (Int) Function types can thus be use...
Every object in R is assigned a class. You can use class() to find the object's class and str() to see its structure, including the classes it contains. For example: class(iris) [1] "data.frame" str(iris) 'data.frame': 150 obs. of 5 variables: $ Sepal.Length: num 5.1 4.9 4.7 4...
Problem: When you use many labels inside a view, you maybe get a warning: How can we fix this warning? Solution: We calculate and set the priorities in order. The priorities must be different from labels. It means which is important will get higher priority. For example, in my case, I set the ve...
Step 1: In Xcode: File -> New -> File -> Resource -> GPX File -> Next -> Give the GPX file a name(It's Taipei in this example) -> Create Step 2: Edit the GPX file <?xml version="1.0"?> <gpx version="1.1" creator="Xcode"> <wpt ...
Often in R you'll want to know things about an object or variable you're working with. This can be useful when reading someone else's code or even your own, especially when using packages that are new to you. Suppose we create a variable a: a <- matrix(1:9, 3, 3) What data type is this? Yo...
The Oracle Java Style Guide states: Modifiers should not be written out when they are implicit. (See Modifiers in Oracle Official Code Standard for the context and a link to the actual Oracle document.) This style guidance applies particularly to interfaces. Let's consider the following code ...
In this exercise, we will generate four bootstrap linear regression models and combine the summaries of these models into a single data frame. library(broom) #* Create the bootstrap data sets BootData <- lapply(1:4, function(i) mtcars[sample(1:nrow(mtcars), ...
Derives from Object Key members public Dispatcher Dispatcher { get; } Summary Most objects in WPF derive from DispatcherObject, which provides the basic constructs for dealing with concurrency and threading. Such objects are associated with a Dispatcher. Only the thread that the Dispatcher w...
Derives from DispatcherObject Key members public object GetValue(DependencyProperty dp); public void SetValue(DependencyProperty dp, object value); Summary Classes derived from DependencyObject participate in the dependency property system, which includes registering dependency properties ...
a, b = 1, 2 import math math.sin(a) # returns the sine of 'a' in radians # Out: 0.8414709848078965 math.cosh(b) # returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of 'b' in radians # Out: 3.7621956910836314 math.atan(math.pi) # returns the arc tangent of 'pi' in radians # Out: 1.2626272556789...
A typical use case for SpriteKit is where the SKView fills the whole screen. To do this in Xcode's Interface Builder, first create a normal ViewController, then select the contained view and change its Class from UIView to SKView: Within the code for the View Controller, in the viewDidLoad metho...
In case your activities, fragments and UI require some background processing a good thing to use is a MockWebServer which runs localy on an android device which brings a closed and testable enviroment for your UI. https://github.com/square/okhttp/tree/master/mockwebserver First step is including t...

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